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Excel Vba宏删除基于列标题的整个行

[英]Excel Vba Macro to Delete Entire Row Based on Column Header

Would the below code be able to be modified to 可以将以下代码修改为

  1. remove multiple rows based on column headers and cell values, and 根据列标题和单元格值删除多行,并
  2. do this for multiple column row combinations? 对多个列行组合这样做吗?

example: Column "Status" Value "Complete" Cycle through all sheets and look for any header that says status and delete all rows where status has a complete in it? 示例:列“状态”值“完成”循环浏览所有工作表,查找任何显示状态的标题,并删除状态为完整的所有行?

Sub Delete_Rows_Based_On_Header_and_Value ()
' Delete_Rows_Based_On_Header_and_Value Macro
' Declaration
Dim a as long
Dim w as long
Dim vDELCOLs as variant
Dim vCOLNDX as variant
Dim vDELROWs as variant
Dim vROWNDX as variant

vDELCOLs = array("status","Status Name","Status Processes")
vDELROWs = array("Complete","Completed","Done")

with Activeworkbook
    for w=1 to .worksheets.count
        with worksheets(w)
' I know this part is to delete columns based on the column name and I am not sure how to modify it to just check column name then delete row based on the value on that column only.
            for a=lbound(vdelcols) to ubound(vdelcols)
                vcolndx=application.match(vdelcols(a), .rows(1), 0)
                if not iserror(vcolndx) then
                end if
            next a
        end with
    next w
end with

The following code will take an array of arrays as vDELROWS and will delete a row if any of the values match what is in the corresponding column. 以下代码将数组数组作为vDELROWS并且如果任何值与相应列中的值匹配,则将删除一行。

Sub Delete_Rows_Based_On_Header_and_Value()
    ' Delete_Rows_Based_On_Header_and_Value Macro
    ' Declaration
    Dim a As Long
    Dim w As Long
    Dim vDELCOLs As Variant
    Dim vCOLNDX As Variant
    Dim vDELROWs As Variant
    Dim vROWNDX As Variant
    Dim r As Long
    Dim v As Long

    vDELCOLs = Array("status", "Status Name", "Status Processes")
    vDELROWs = Array(Array("Complete", "Pending"), Array("Completed", "Pending"), Array("Done"))

    With ActiveWorkbook
        For w = 1 To .Worksheets.Count
            With Worksheets(w)
                For a = LBound(vDELCOLs) To UBound(vDELCOLs)
                    vCOLNDX = Application.Match(vDELCOLs(a), .Rows(1), 0)
                    If Not IsError(vCOLNDX) Then
                        For r = .Cells(.Rows.Count, vCOLNDX).End(xlUp).Row To 1 Step -1
                            For v = LBound(vDELROWs(a)) To UBound(vDELROWs(a))
                                If .Cells(r, vCOLNDX).Value = vDELROWs(a)(v) Then
                                    Exit For
                                End If
                    End If
                Next a
            End With
        Next w
    End With
End Sub

Autofilter is more efficient than looping 自动筛选比循环更有效

Sub DeleteRows()
    Sheet1.Range("a1:c35").AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:="Completed"
    Sheet1.UsedRange.Offset(1, 0).SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible).EntireRow.Delete
'repeat for each value
End Sub

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