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[英]Simple Page Redirect Using URL

I want my index.php to redirect to my welcome/index.html. 我希望我的index.php重定向到我的welcome / index.html。 I know there are so many ways to do it but I want to shorten it just like Facebook does. 我知道有很多方法可以做到,但我想像Facebook一样缩短它。 I want a url based redirection. 我想要一个基于网址的重定向。 I want to redirect index.php to welcome/index.html by using url. 我想通过使用url将index.php重定向到welcome / index.html。

For example: 例如:

example.com to example.com/?url=welcome
//this 'url=welcome' is the index.html of my welcome folder.

Here's the code, according to what I've understood. 根据我的理解,这是代码。 Place it on the very top of index.php . 将它放在index.php的最顶层。 I'm assuming you're using the domain example.com 我假设您正在使用域example.com


$destination = $_GET["url"];

switch($destination) {
    case "welcome": // add your destinations here, one per single "case"
    case "about":
    case "anotherpage":
        header("Location: /" . $destination . "/index.html");
        echo "Error";


Doing this way you can manage which redirects will work and what not, avoinding "evil" usages of your redirect system. 通过这种方式,您可以管理哪些重定向将起作用,哪些不起作用,从而避免重定向系统的“恶意”使用。

Something malicious like example.com?url=http://evilsite.com will not redirect them to evilsite.com example.com?url=http://evilsite.com这样的恶意软件不会将它们重定向到evilsite.com

This is probably not the best solution, but it's a good starting point to avoid not wanted redirections. 这可能不是最好的解决方案,但它是避免不想重定向的良好起点。

Not really sure if this would help, but you're welcome to try 不确定这是否会有所帮助,但欢迎您尝试

  if (isset($_GET["url"])) {
    $url = $_GET['url'];

I haven't tried this, but this is what I thought after seeing your post 我没试过这个,但这是我看到你发帖后的想法

somewhere i read using header for redirection is little bit dangerous as header can b changed easily by hacker and hacker can send victim to another location easily. 我使用标题进行重定向读取的地方有点危险,因为黑客可以轻易改变标题,黑客可以轻松地将受害者发送到另一个位置。 so i use javascript location.href function for redirection. 所以我使用javascript location.href函数进行重定向。

echo "<script>window.location ='http://example.com/welcome/index.html</script>";

if you want to send user to dynamic url from example.com you can set a get variable like. 如果你想从example.com发送用户到动态网址,你可以设置一个get变量。

source address: http//example.com?url= http://example.com/welcome.html destination address: http://example.com/welcome.html 来源地址:http // example.com?url = http://example.com/welcome.html目的地址: http//example.com/welcome.html

echo "<script>window.location ='$_GET[url]'</script>";
echo "<script>window.location='http://somewhereelse.com'";

now u can dynamically set url variable in your source address and redirect user wherever you want to 现在,您可以在源地址中动态设置url变量,并在任何地方重定向用户

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