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[英]Objective-C Mantle, deserializing JSON Dictionary

I'm trying to figure out how to deserialize an object that contains a "dictionary" that is not a full object. 我试图弄清楚如何反序列化包含不是完整对象的“字典”的对象。

For example, in our app, we have a bunch of JSON objects that we're deserializing from JSON via Mantle. 例如,在我们的应用程序中,我们有一堆通过Mantle从JSON反序列化的JSON对象。 A simple model might look like: 一个简单的模型可能看起来像:

@interface Artist : MTLModel<MTLJSONSerializing>

@property (nonatomic, strong, nonnull)   NSString    *name;
@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable)   NSURL       *image;


in a collection class, we might have something like this: 在集合类中,我们可能会有类似这样的内容:

@interface SomeCollection : MTLModel<MTLJSONSerializing>

@property (nonatomic, strong, nonnull)   NSString    *title; 
@property (nonatomic, strong, nonnull)   NSArray<Artist *>    *listOfArtists;


and an associated .m would have: 关联的.m将具有:

+ (NSValueTransformer *)listOfArtistsJSONTransformer {
    return [MTLJSONAdapter arrayTransformerWithModelClass:[Artist class]];

Everything is good here. 这里一切都很好。

For example, if the JSON looks like: 例如,如果JSON看起来像:

    "title": "my collection with an array",
    "listOfArtists": [
                "name": "Some Artist",
                "image": "http://www.google.com"
                "name": "Another Artist",
                "image": "http://www.artists.com"
                "name": "Jane Painter",
                "image": "http://www.jpainter.com"

The object deserializes just as we like (where the listOfArtists property contains an array of Artist * . 该对象反序列化的方式与我们喜欢的一样(其中listOfArtists属性包含一个Artist *数组。

However, I'm trying to figure out the incantation if we have a different collection that has: 但是,如果我们有另一个具有以下内容的集合,我想弄清楚这个咒语:

@interface SomeOtherCollection : MTLModel<MTLJSONSerializing>

@property (nonatomic, strong, nonnull)   NSString    *title; 
@property (nonatomic, strong, nonnull)   NSDictionary<NSString *, Artist *>    *dictionaryOfArtists;


and a JSON file that might look like 和一个可能看起来像的JSON文件

    "title": "my collection with a dictionary",
    "dictionaryOfArtists": {
            "139380bf-29ef-4cfc-95af-aa00f78f15f6": {
                "name": "Some Artist",
                "image": "http://www.google.com"
            "4cdbc728-13e7-49c8-b45e-32ff0650ca67": {
                "name": "Another Artist",
                "image": "http://www.artists.com"
            "2f2ec6f9-3af1-4789-b5de-399e14902ea8": {
                "name": "Jane Painter",
                "image": "http://www.jpainter.com"

What would the listOfArtistsJSONTransformer method look like? listOfArtistsJSONTransformer方法是什么样的?

Thanks. 谢谢。

I don't know much (anything) about Mantle, but it looks like you can use... 我对Mantle不太了解,但是看起来您可以使用...

+ (NSValueTransformer *)assigneeJSONTransformer {
    return [MTLJSONAdapter dictionaryTransformerWithModelClass:[Artist class]];

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