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[英]connecting to server but server has not started java

I am creating an android app which connects to a server(java) through sockets.I have created a server application in swing which contains start button which open a port which i have specified. 我正在创建一个通过套接字连接到服务器(java)的android应用程序。我已经在swing中创建了一个服务器应用程序,其中包含开始按钮,该按钮可以打开我指定的端口。

So my question is how can i handle the situatuion when client try to connect but server has not started means i havent click on start button? 所以我的问题是,当客户端尝试连接但服务器尚未启动时,我该如何处理情况呢? And i also want create dialog box for client which suggest to start the server 而且我还想为客户端创建建议启动服务器的对话框

I have tried this code but its get hang my application: 我已经尝试过此代码,但是它使我的应用程序挂起:

I have got really confused with this! 我对此非常困惑!

Here is code: 这是代码:

 try {
        cs = new Socket(IPADD,PORT);
         {   Toast.makeText(ipInfo.this,"Connected",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
             Intent inst = new Intent(ipInfo.this,homeActivity.class);
             inst.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK | Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_CLEAR_TOP);
        }else {
           Toast.makeText(ipInfo.this,"Server is disconnected\nStart server in desktop",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
    }catch (IOException e)
    }catch (Exception e)

I think you have to wait for it to connected - is there no callback? 我认为您必须等待其连接-是否没有回调? The code says: 该代码说:

 * Returns the connection state of the socket.
 * <p>
 * Note: Closing a socket doesn't clear its connection state, which means
 * this method will return <code>true</code> for a closed socket
 * (see {@link #isClosed()}) if it was successfuly connected prior
 * to being closed.
 * @return true if the socket was successfuly connected to a server
 * @since 1.4
public boolean isConnected() {
    // Before 1.3 Sockets were always connected during creation
    return connected || oldImpl;

so isConnected() just returns a static value, which is unlikely to have actually changed so immediately after you instantiated the socket. 所以isConnected()只是返回一个静态值,该值不太可能实际更改,因此在实例化套接字后立即进行了更改。 There are lots of networking libraries for Android. Android有很多网络库。 Unless you specifically need to do this, I recommend using Retorfit or Volley (esp. retrofit), or perhaps just make an OKHTTP client and use this? 除非您特别需要这样做,否则我建议您使用Retorfit或Volley(尤其是翻新版),或者只是使用OKHTTP客户端并使用它?

Your code isn't hanging permanently, it's just waiting for the timeout, since the server isn't responding, at which point you will get a UnknownHostException exception. 您的代码不是永久挂起,它只是在等待超时,因为服务器没有响应,这时您将收到UnknownHostException异常。 Catch this and show your "Start Server" message inside the catch. 捕获并在捕获中显示您的“启动服务器”消息。

try {
    Socket socket = new Socket();
    // 1000 is the timeout
    socket.connect(new InetSocketAddress(IPADD, PORT), 1000);
    Intent inst = new Intent(ipInfo.this,homeActivity.class);
} catch (IOException e)
    Toast.makeText(ipInfo.this,"Server is disconnected\nStart server in desktop",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show();
} catch (Exception e) {

Your socket code can never work. 您的套接字代码永远无法工作。 It has to be executed in a thread or AsyncTask. 它必须在线程或AsyncTask中执行。 And if you do you cannot display Toast()s then. 如果您这样做,则无法显示Toast()。

So what are you doing? 那么你正在做什么?

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