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如何将工具栏添加到 BokehJS 图中?

[英]How to add toolbar to BokehJS plot?

My goal is to add a toolbar to a BokehJS plot.我的目标是向 BokehJS 图中添加一个工具栏。 According to the plot tools documention this should be possible by doing (translating the Python example to Javascript):根据绘图工具文档,这应该可以通过执行(将 Python 示例转换为 Javascript)来实现:

plot.add_tools(new Bokeh.BoxZoomTool());
plot.add_tools(new Bokeh.ResetTool());
plot.toolbar_location = "right";

I have added these lines to the basic BokehJS example from the documentation, and they don't produce errors/warnings.我已将这些行添加到文档中的基本 BokehJS 示例中,并且它们不会产生错误/警告。 However, the toolbar does not show up (properly) and the tools don't really seem to work.但是,工具栏没有显示(正确)并且这些工具似乎并没有真正起作用。

I have prepared a minimal JSFiddle to demonstrate the problem: When using the rectangle select tool the plot moves around strangely, which uncovers an unstyled version of the toolbar rendered underneath the plot.我准备了一个最小的JSFiddle来演示这个问题:当使用矩形选择工具时,绘图会奇怪地移动,这会发现绘图下方呈现的工具栏的无样式版本。

So the question is how can I get a properly working toolbar in BokehJS?所以问题是如何在 BokehJS 中获得一个正常工作的工具栏?

  1. Add bk-root to the root element.bk-root添加到根元素。 <div id="plot" class="mybokehplot bk-root"></div>
  2. Add corresponding css files (bokeh-0.12.0.min.css and bokeh-widgets-0.12.0.min.css).添加相应的 css 文件(bokeh-0.12.0.min.css 和 bokeh-widgets-0.12.0.min.css)。

JSFiddle here: https://jsfiddle.net/blackmiaool/xzvgrqLj/ JSFiddle在这里: https ://jsfiddle.net/blackmiaool/xzvgrqLj/

Snippet here:片段在这里:

 // create some data and a ColumnDataSource var x = Bokeh.LinAlg.linspace(-0.5, 20.5, 10); var y = x.map(function(v) { return v * 0.5 + 3.0; }); var source = new Bokeh.ColumnDataSource({ data: { x: x, y: y } }); // create some ranges for the plot var xdr = new Bokeh.Range1d({ start: -0.5, end: 20.5 }); var ydr = Bokeh.Range1d(-0.5, 20.5); // make the plot var plot = new Bokeh.Plot({ title: "BokehJS Plot", x_range: xdr, y_range: ydr, plot_width: 400, plot_height: 400, background_fill_color: "#F2F2F7" }); // add axes to the plot var xaxis = new Bokeh.LinearAxis({ axis_line_color: null }); var yaxis = new Bokeh.LinearAxis({ axis_line_color: null }); plot.add_layout(xaxis, "below"); plot.add_layout(yaxis, "left"); // add grids to the plot var xgrid = new Bokeh.Grid({ ticker: xaxis.ticker, dimension: 0 }); var ygrid = new Bokeh.Grid({ ticker: yaxis.ticker, dimension: 1 }); plot.add_layout(xgrid); plot.add_layout(ygrid); // add a Line glyph var line = new Bokeh.Line({ x: { field: "x" }, y: { field: "y" }, line_color: "#666699", line_width: 2 }); plot.add_glyph(line, source); // now add the tools plot.add_tools(new Bokeh.BoxZoomTool()); plot.add_tools(new Bokeh.ResetTool()); plot.toolbar_location = "right"; // add the plot to a document and display it var doc = new Bokeh.Document(); doc.add_root(plot); var div = document.getElementById("plot"); Bokeh.embed.add_document_standalone(doc, div);
 .mybokehplot { position: relative; width: 100%; height: 100%; border: 1px dashed #ccc; }
 <script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.bokeh.org/bokeh/release/bokeh-0.12.0.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="https://cdn.bokeh.org/bokeh/release/bokeh-widgets-0.12.0.min.js"></script> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://cdn.bokeh.org/bokeh/release/bokeh-0.12.0.min.css"> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://cdn.bokeh.org/bokeh/release/bokeh-widgets-0.12.0.min.css"> <div id="plot" class="mybokehplot bk-root"></div>


PS I found that the edition of bokeh's css files and js files must be same, or you would get lots of bugs. PS我发现bokeh的css文件和js文件的版本必须一样,否则你会得到很多错误。

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