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Alto Router不适用于控制器

[英]Alto Router not working for controllers

I am trying pass controller name and method to Alto Router map method but it doesnt work 我正在尝试将控制器名称和方法传递给Alto Router映射方法,但它不起作用

in index.php i have following code index.php我有以下代码


    require_once 'vendor/autoload.php';

    use Route\AltoRouter;
    use App\Controllers\HomeController;

    $router = new AltoRouter();

    $router->map('GET','/', 'HomeController#index');
    $router->map('GET', '/php', function(){

        echo 'It is working';
$match = $router->match();

// call closure or throw 404 status
if( $match && is_callable( $match['target'] ) ) {
    call_user_func_array( $match['target'], $match['params'] ); 
} else {

    echo "<pre>";

Controller 调节器

class HomeController extends Controller{

    public function __construct()
        echo "hello, i am a page.";

    public function index(){

        echo "hello, i am a page.";

if i access http://localhost/demo/php then its working but not controller url but its throwing error 如果我访问http:// localhost / demo / php然后它的工作但不是控制器url但它的抛出错误

    [target] => HomeController#index
    [params] => Array

    [name] => 

can any one help me how to fix it ? 任何人都可以帮我解决这个问题吗? and also is there way to require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; 还有办法来require_once 'vendor/autoload.php'; only once instead of adding in all pages 只有一次而不是添加所有页面

How do you load the HomeController? 你如何加载HomeController?

Take this example 举个例子

$router = new AltoRouter();

$router->map('GET','/', 'home_controller#index', 'home');
$router->map('GET','/content/[:parent]/?[:child]?', 'content_controller#display_item', 'content');

$match = $router->match();

// not sure if code after this comment  is the best way to handle matched routes
list( $controller, $action ) = explode( '#', $match['target'] );

if ( is_callable(array($controller, $action)) ) {

    $obj = new $controller();
    call_user_func_array(array($obj,$action), array($match['params']));

} else if ($match['target']==''){
    echo 'Error: no route was matched'; 

} else {
    echo 'Error: can not call '.$controller.'#'.$action; 


// Can be placed in a different directory but needs to be loaded
class home_controller {
    public function index() {
        echo 'hi from home';

This works, rest you need to modify it according to your site structure 这是有效的,您需要根据您的网站结构进行修改

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