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[英]How can I shorten this repetitive C# TextBox.Clear code?

Been reading through the threads a lot recently as I am learning to code! 在我学习编码的同时,最近也正在仔细阅读所有线程!

In essence all I know is self taught and very basic, so I would like to start becoming more professional 从本质上讲,我所知道的是自学且非常基础的,所以我想开始变得更加专业

I would like to shorten this code down (in the simplest way possible) since I often end up with very repetitive code! 我想缩短这段代码(以最简单的方式),因为我经常会得到非常重复的代码! Here is a primary example 这是一个主要的例子

private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)

For context I can't clear all textboxes on my form since textBox13 always has a useful value that I can't have deleted! 对于上下文,我无法清除表单上的所有文本框,因为textBox13始终具有我无法删除的有用值! EDIT * textBoxes 1 to 6 are in groupBox1 , and textBoxes 7-12 are in groupBox2 . 编辑*文本框1到6在groupBox1 ,文本框7-12在groupBox2 This appears to be significant; 这似乎很重要; I was just using the groupbox tool to make the program clear! 我只是使用groupbox工具来使程序清晰!

If anyone can help I would be truly grateful! 如果有人可以帮助我,我将不胜感激! Please keep in mind I am still a coding novice, so some features I am unfamiliar with. 请记住,我仍然是编码新手,所以有些功能我不熟悉。

Here is an image of the program to help! 这是对程序有帮助的图像!

Assuming all your textboxes name start in the format you displayed, you could use this: 假设所有文本框名称都以您显示的格式开头,则可以使用以下命令:

        foreach (Control control in Controls)
            if (control.Name.StartsWith("textBox") && !control.Name.EndsWith("13") && control.GetType() == typeof(TextBox))
                TextBox textBox = (TextBox)control;


If you want it to work with group boxes use this code by calling ClearTextBoxes (just write "ClearTextBoxes();") 如果希望它与组框一起使用,请通过调用ClearTextBoxes使用此代码(只需编写“ ClearTextBoxes();”)。

    private void ClearTextBoxes()
        foreach (Control control in Controls)

    private void ClearTextBox(Control control)

        if (control.GetType() == typeof(TextBox))
            if (control.Name.StartsWith("textBox") && !control.Name.EndsWith("13"))
                TextBox textBox = (TextBox)control;
        else if (control.GetType() == typeof(GroupBox))
            GroupBox groupBox = (GroupBox)control;

            foreach (Control groupBoxControl in groupBox.Controls)


The current setting doesn not allow you to clear everything quickly because each variable, even if they're all of the same type and with similar name, is a different entity and you cannot iterate through them. 当前设置不允许您快速清除所有内容,因为每个变量(即使它们都是相同的类型并且具有相似的名称)都是不同的实体,并且您无法遍历它们。

Anyway, you could group them in an array and iterate through them like this: 无论如何,您可以将它们分组为一个数组并像这样遍历它们:

// Fill this array in an Init function
YourType[] textBoxes;

private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Iterate through the whole array except for the last element
    for(int i=0; i<textBoxes.Length-1; i++)

One possible solution would be store textboxes in list 一种可能的解决方案是将文本框存储在列表中

List<TextBox> textBoxes

And then iterate through this collection using for or foreach loop and calling Clear() method. 然后使用forforeach循环并调用Clear()方法遍历此集合。

Or use extension method ForEach() 或使用扩展方法ForEach()

textBoxes.ForEach(x => x.Clear());

The simplest way is to prepare a collection containing all of your textbox objects 最简单的方法是准备一个包含所有文本框对象的集合

var textBoxes = new List<TextBox> { textBox1,textBox2,textBox3};// fill in the rest

and just iterate with a 'foreach' on it 并在其上进行“ foreach”迭代

textBoxes.ForEach(textBox => textBox.Clear());

This is a simple suggestion. 这是一个简单的建议。 You can also use reflection to make it more implicit but it doesn't worth it 您也可以使用反射使它更加隐含,但不值得

Usually having too many of certain control can be a sign that you can consider a different type of control, but that doesn't seem to be the case based on the screenshot. 通常,某些控件的数量过多可能表明您可以考虑使用其他类型的控件,但是根据屏幕截图来看,情况似乎并非如此。 You can use array: 您可以使用数组:

foreach (var t in new[] { textBox1, textBox2, textBox3 })

If the controls are directly in the form then something like: 如果控件直接在表单中,则类似于:

foreach (Control c in this.Controls)
    if (c is TextBox && c.Name != "textBox13")
        c.Text = "";                            // .Text = "" is what TextBox.Clear() does

but because the controls are inside other controls: 但是由于这些控件位于其他控件内部:

foreach (Control c in this.groupBox1.Controls) if (c is TextBox) c.Text = ""; 
foreach (Control c in this.groupBox2.Controls) if (c is TextBox) c.Text = ""; 

or: 要么:

foreach (var gb in new[] { groupBox1, groupBox2 })
    foreach (Control c in gb.Controls)
        if (c is TextBox) c.Text = "";

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