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[英]Angular ng-repeat dynamic array of objects

Given a json of array of objects, how could one display it using a ng-repeat dynamically? 给定对象数组的json,如何使用ng-repeat动态显示它? error key is static / always remain the same. error键是静态的/始终保持不变。 Just the values of error changes. 只是error的值会改变。 So if I have the password field errored-out then I'll have password key instead on the error 因此,如果我的密码字段输入有误,那么我将使用password密钥代替error

  "error":  {
    "firstName": {
      "0": "The first name field is required.",
      "1": "The first name field must have 2-5 characters."
    "lastName": {
      "0": "The last name field is required."


  "error":  {
    "password": {
      "0": "The password field is required."

I tried doing: 我试着做:

<ul ng-repeat="message in errormessage">
    <li ng-repeat="(k,v) in message">
         {{k}} - {{v}}

But it displays this instead: 而是显示为:

0 - [
0 - ]

 angular.module('app', []) .controller('SampleCtrl', function($scope) { $scope.errormessage = { "error": { "firstName": { "0": "The first name field is required.", "1": "The first name field must have 2-5 characters." }, "lastName": { "0": "The last name field is required." }, "passowrd": { "0": "The password field is required." } } }; }); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script> <div ng-app="app" ng-controller="SampleCtrl"> <ul ng-repeat="message in errormessage"> <li ng-repeat="(k,v) in message"> <b>{{k}}:</b><br> <ul> <li ng-repeat="err in v"> {{err}} </li> </ul> </li> </ul> </div> 


I think the first thing you have to consider is to normalize your json if you have control over that and represent it like this 我认为您首先要考虑的是规范化json(如果您对此有控制权,并以这种方式表示)

$scope.errormessage = {
  "error": {
        "firstName": {
            "0": "The first name field is required.",
            "1": "The first name field must have 2-5 characters."
        "lastName": {
            "0": "The last name field is required."
        "passowrd": {
             "0": "The password field is required."
        "mail": {
            "0": "The first name field is required.",
            "1": "The first name field must have 2-5 characters."
        "newsletter": {
             "0": "The newsletter field is required."
        "address": {
             "0": "The address field is required."

Why this because you cant have two field named error on a same object or array. 为什么这样做是因为在同一对象或数组上不能有两个名为error的字段 After this the first solution provided must work 之后,提供的第一个解决方案必须可行

<div ng-app="app" ng-controller="SampleCtrl">
    <ul ng-repeat="message in errormessage">
       <li ng-repeat="(k,v) in message">
            <li ng-repeat="err in v">

Make sure you are using the ng-repeat on the right object. 确保在正确的对象上使用ng-repeat。 You have: 你有:

ng-repeat="message in errormessage"

and the content of errormessage seems to be "[]" . 和内容errormessage似乎是"[]" See http://jsfiddle.net/hgk6vsqv/ 参见http://jsfiddle.net/hgk6vsqv/

Some observations : 一些观察:

  • Given a json of array of objects . Given a json of array of objects Your JSON is not an array of Objects . 您的JSON不是array of Objects
  • Try this ng-repeat="message in errormessage.error" instead of ng-repeat="message in errormessage" 尝试使用此ng-repeat="message in errormessage.error"而不是ng-repeat="message in errormessage"


 var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]); myApp.controller('MyCtrl',function($scope) { $scope.errormessage = { "error": { "firstName": { "0": "The first name field is required.", "1": "The first name field must have 2-5 characters." }, "lastName": { "0": "The last name field is required." } } } }); 
 <script src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/angularjs/1.2.23/angular.min.js"></script> <div ng-app="myApp" ng-controller="MyCtrl"> <ul ng-repeat="message in errormessage.error"> <li ng-repeat="(k,v) in message"> {{k}} - {{v}} </li> </ul> </div> 

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