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[英]Servlet inside a JSP

I have a Servlet inside a JSP that display an image 我在JSP中有一个显示图像的Servlet。

<img id='225926' 
          resize=true&height=100' align='bottom' />

The servlet: Servlet:

public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) 
                        throws IOException, ServletException {

            System.out.println  ("DisplayImageServlet : "); 

But it seems that when I push the back button in the browser, the servlet is not called again and I see the previous image 但是,当我按浏览器中的后退按钮时,似乎没有再次调用该servlet,并且看到了上一张图像

That sounds like a browser cache issue. 这听起来像是浏览器缓存问题。 One common solution to this would be to generate a random number and append it as a request parameter to the servlet URL. 一种常见的解决方案是生成一个随机数,并将其作为请求参数附加到Servlet URL。 The servlet can ignore the paramter, but this should make the URL unique and therefore uncacheable servlet可以忽略该参数,但这将使URL唯一,因此不可缓存

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