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[英]Textarea in AngularJS not rendering HTML

I have a textarea in my Ionic's App that is used to create a new message, or to edit a message. 我在Ionic的应用程序中有一个textarea,用于创建新消息或编辑消息。 My problem is when I try to edit the message, the textarea doesn't render the String as HTML tags. 我的问题是,当我尝试编辑消息时,textarea不会将String呈现为HTML标记。

I've already tried to set ng-bind-html and use the $sce filter. 我已经尝试设置ng-bind-html并使用$sce过滤器。

Here's a Plunker with what I've already tried. 是我尝试过Plunker。

I don't think it is possible to bind html in a textarea but you can try "contenteditable" 我不认为可以在textarea中绑定html,但是您可以尝试“ contenteditable”

<div ng-bind-html="text_field.text"

Have a look at this plunkr: https://plnkr.co/edit/WDvKdG?p=preview 看看这个plunkr: https ://plnkr.co/edit/WDvKdG ? p = preview

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