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[英]Aurelia Skeleton export unbundled

Is there a way to export the project unbundled? 有没有办法将捆绑销售的项目导出? I have a javascript error that happens in the prod environment but not in Dev and it would be nice to be able to debug human readable javascript/typescript instead of the uglified bundled code. 我在产品环境中发生了javascript错误,但在开发人员环境中却没有,并且能够调试人类可读的javascript / typescript而不是丑陋的捆绑代码会很好。

I'm using the jspm/gulp/typescript skeleton. 我正在使用jspm / gulp / typescript骨架。

Here is a temporary answer, that I'm not exactly happy with... Mainly because things aren't working how they should . 这是一个暂时的答案,那我不是正好快乐......这主要是因为事情没有工作的他们应该如何。

If you add "sourceMaps": 'inline' to the options listed in build/bundles.js AND ALSO copy the src folder over to the export folder, then you should get some sourcemap support. 如果将"sourceMaps": 'inline'build/bundles.js列出的options ,并且build/bundles.js src文件夹复制到export文件夹,那么您应该获得一些 sourcemap支持。 It doesn't seem to be working completely though for me, but it might be good enough to work with. 虽然对我来说,它似乎并不能完全正常工作,但是可以使用它。

The fact that I tell the bundler to put the sourcemaps inline (and when I base64 decode the sourcemap it seems it is actually inline) but then I still have to add the contents of src directory to make it work doesn't seem right. 我告诉捆绑程序将源映射放入内联的事实(当我对basemap进行解码时,它似乎实际上是内联的),但随后我仍然必须添加src目录的内容才能使其正常工作,这似乎是不对的。

It'll look something like this: 它看起来像这样:


I'm not sure if the issue is on the Aurelia side or the System Builder side though. 我不确定问题是在Aurelia方面还是在System Builder方面。

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