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如何在 c-Panel 中查找服务器名称?

[英]How to find server name in c-Panel?

I am trying to find the server name of my website to connect it to a MySQL database.我正在尝试查找我网站的服务器名称以将其连接到 MySQL 数据库。 Using c-Panel with GoDaddy, none of the guides online have answers that actually work.将 c-Panel 与 GoDaddy 一起使用时,没有任何在线指南提供实际有效的答案。 I'd appreciate it if someone who knows what he is doing could kindly guide me to my golden fleece.如果知道他在做什么的人可以指导我找到我的金羊毛,我将不胜感激。
PS, I am using c-Panel version PS,我使用的是 c-Panel 版本。

If you have the website and the database hosted on the same server then you have to use localhost as the server name and that should work. 如果您将网站和数据库托管在同一台服务器上,则必须使用localhost作为服务器名,这应该可以工作。

Try it . 试试吧 。

You can search for server information in whm where you will get all the necessary server information.您可以在 whm 中搜索服务器信息,您将在其中获得所有必要的服务器信息。

localhost can be the hostname in such cases, please try and confirm. localhost 可以是这种情况下的主机名,请尝试确认。

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