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[英]System call in nasm not working

I try write follow code, use int 0x80 to print number 5 but it don't print anything. 我尝试编写跟随代码,使用int 0x80打印数字5,但不打印任何内容。

segment .bss
        num1 resb 1

section .text
        global _start
        mov dword [num1],5
        add [num1],byte '0'
        mov ecx, dword [num1]
        mov eax, 4
        mov ebx, 1
        mov edx, 1
        int 0x80

        mov eax, 1
        int 0x80

System call 4 expects ecx to contain a pointer to a NUL-terminated string. 系统调用4期望ecx包含一个指向NUL终止的字符串的指针。

So instead of mov ecx, dword [num1] you should use mov ecx, num1 . 因此mov ecx, dword [num1]您应该使用mov ecx, num1代替mov ecx, dword [num1]

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