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Spring MVC是否可以返回不是从HttpStatus枚举返回的HttpStatus状态

[英]Is it possible to return HttpStatus status which is not from HttpStatus enum in Spring MVC

I want to return , 555 status code in response . 我想返回555状态码作为响应

I have checked ResponseEntity class of spring framework. 我已经检查了Spring框架的ResponseEntity类。

I can see all constructors accept only particular codes from HttpStatus enum. 我可以看到所有构造函数仅接受HttpStatus枚举中的特定代码。 This can be achieved by , 这可以通过以下方式实现:

return ResponseEntity.status(HttpStatus.CREATED).contentType(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN).body("Custom string answer");

Is there any way to return status code like 555? 有什么方法可以返回555等状态代码吗?

You can't do that using the Spring ResponseEntity . 使用Spring ResponseEntity不能做到这一点。

But you can always get a hold of the underlying HttpServletResponse and do a response.setStatus(555) . 但是,您始终可以保留基础HttpServletResponse并执行response.setStatus(555)

As a side note, if your question was "is it OK to return non-standard HTTP codes in this scenario?" 附带说明一下,如果您的问题是“在这种情况下可以返回非标准的HTTP代码吗?” , the answer would've probably been "no" . ,答案可能是“否”


ResponseEntity.status(555).body("String or obj")

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