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[英]jQuery-ui-tooltip arrow position

I'm using jquery-ui-tooltip. 我正在使用jquery-ui-tooltip。 And I want the tooltip arrow (connector/triange) to change its position according to where the tooltip appears. 我希望工具提示箭头(连接器/三角形)根据工具提示出现的位置更改其位置。 Now it's fixed to left bottom, that causes issue like on pic below. 现在,它已固定在左下角,从而导致出现如下图所示的问题。


The site is here: http://g1un.ru/navystavke/ 该网站位于: http : //g1un.ru/navystavke/

Maybe somebody can offer a better plugin. 也许有人可以提供更好的插件。

You can set the position of UI tooltip according to your need. 您可以根据需要设置UI工具提示的position

Default: { my: "left top+15", at: "left bottom", collision: "flipfit" }

Ex: 例如:

$( ".selector" ).tooltip({
  position: { my: "left+15 center", at: "right center" }

I think this can help you. 我认为这可以为您提供帮助。 Reference 参考

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