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[英]Entity Framework: foreign keys for many-to-many relations

I have a problem regarding navigational properties of many-to-many relations. 我对多对多关系的导航属性有疑问。 As I read on MSDN, there is an option to define a ForeignKey property to a navigational property. 正如我在MSDN上阅读的那样,有一个选项可以将ForeignKey属性定义为导航属性。 Now I want to use this feauture for many-to-many relation but I can't get it to work. 现在,我想将此功能用于多对多关系,但我无法使其正常工作。

I am using EF 6.1.3. 我正在使用EF 6.1.3。

My classes: 我的课程:

public class Class1
    public Guid Id { get; set; }

    public ICollection<Guid> Class2Ids { get; set; }

    public ICollection<Class2> Class2s { get; set; }

    public Guid Class3Id { get; set; }

    public Guid Class3 { get; set; }

public class Class2
    public Guid Id { get; set; }

    public ICollection<Guid> Class1Ids { get; set; }

    public ICollection<Class1> Class1s { get; set; }

public class Class3
    public Guid Id { get; set; } 

The problem that the navigational property get loaded but the id collection stays empty. 导航属性被加载但id集合保持为空的问题。

public static void Main(string[] args)
    using (SomeContext context = new SomeContext())
        var classes = context.Classe1Set
            .Include(c => c.Class2s)
            .Include(c => c.Class2s)

        classes.Class3;     // filled with correct object
        classes.Class3Id;   // filled with correct guid

        classes.Class2s;    // is filled with 2 elements
        classes.Class2Ids;  // problem: is Empty List

What am I doing wrong? 我究竟做错了什么?

Edit: Updated the classes to represent the problem better. 编辑:更新了类以更好地表示问题。 The many-to-many connection is created correctly on the DB side. 在数据库端正确创建了多对多连接。 The problem is just the property Class1Ids not filling correctly whereas Class3Id does. 问题只是属性Class1Ids无法正确填充,而Class3Id可以正确填充。

Thanks for any help. 谢谢你的帮助。

You don't need the ForeignKey attributes - the relationship will be inferred from types. 您不需要ForeignKey属性-该关系将根据类型推断。
Class1Ids and Class2Ids do not point to another entity, are not navigation properties, and cannot be loaded automatically by EF. Class1IdsClass2Ids不指向另一个实体,不是导航属性,并且不能由EF自动加载。
To get what you want you should define the Ids properties like so 要获得所需的内容,您应该像这样定义Ids属性
public ICollection<Guid> ClassXIds { get { return ClassXs.Select(c => c.Id).ToList(); } } public ICollection<Guid> ClassXIds { get { return ClassXs.Select(c => c.Id).ToList(); } } . public ICollection<Guid> ClassXIds { get { return ClassXs.Select(c => c.Id).ToList(); } } This doesn't load the data from DB, just pulls the Id's from the navigation property. 这不会从数据库加载数据,只是从导航属性中提取ID。

Below Class1 class should have a collection navigation property for Class2, and Class2 should have a collection navigation property for Class1, which will create a Many-to-Many relationship between Class1 and Class2 as shown below: 在Class1之下,Class应该具有Class2的集合导航属性,而Class2应该具有Class1的集合导航属性,这将在Class1和Class2之间创建多对多关系,如下所示:

public class Class1
    public Class1() 
        this.Courses = new HashSet<Course>();

    public int Class1Id { get; set; }

    public virtual ICollection<Class2> Class2s { get; set; }

public class Class2
    public Class1()
        this.Class1s = new HashSet<Class1>();

    public int Class2Id { get; set; }

    public virtual ICollection<Class1> Class1s { get; set; }

You will get then on your database a table named Class1Class2 with a field Class1_Class1Id as primary key and another Class2_Class2Id as primary key also 然后,您将在数据库上获得一个名为Class1Class2的表,其中字段Class1_Class1Id作为主键,另一个Class2_Class2Id作为主键

By default EF will look for foreign key property with the same name as principal entity primary key name. 默认情况下,EF将查找与主体实体主键名称相同名称的外键属性。 If foreign key property does not exists then EF will create FK column in Db table with + "_" + eg EF will create Class1_Class1Id foreign key column into Class1 table if Class1 entity does not contain foreignkey property for Class1 where Class1 contains Class1Id 如果不存在外键属性,则EF将在Db表中使用+“ _” +创建FK列,例如,如果Class1实体不包含Class1的外键属性(其中Class1包含Class1Id),则EF将在Class1表中创建Class1_Class1Id外键列

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