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如何在List中查找WebElement <WebElement> 通过文字?

[英]How to find WebElement in a List<WebElement> by text?

I want to find WebElement in a List<WebElements> by text. 我想通过文本在List<WebElements>找到WebElement。 My method has such arguments: List<WebElement> webElements, String text . 我的方法有这样的参数: List<WebElement> webElements, String text For matching text I prefer to use javaslang library. 对于匹配的文本,我更喜欢使用javaslang库。 So, what we have: 那么,我们有什么:

protected WebElement findElementByText(List<WebElement> webelements, String text) {


Using javaslang I wrote such simple matching: 使用javaslang我写了这么简单的匹配:

     Case(text, webElement),
          Case($(), () -> {
               throw nw IllegalArgumentException(webElement.getText() + " does not match " + text);

I do not understand how in good way to write a loop for finding WebElement in a List<WebElemnt> by text. 我不明白如何以良好的方式编写一个循环来通过文本在List<WebElemnt>查找WebElement。 Thank you guys for help. 谢谢你们的帮助。

I suggest to do it like this: 我建议像这样做:

// using javaslang.collection.List
protected WebElement findElementByText(List<WebElement> webElements, String text) {
    return webElements
            .find(webElement -> Objects.equals(webElement.getText(), text))
            .getOrElseThrow(() -> new NoSuchElementException("No WebElement found containing " + text));

// using java.util.List
protected WebElement findElementByText(java.util.List<WebElement> webElements, String text) {
    return webElements
            .filter(webElement -> Objects.equals(webElement.getText(), text))
            .orElseThrow(() -> new NoSuchElementException("No WebElement found containing " + text));

Disclaimer: I'm the creator of Javaslang 免责声明:我是Javaslang的创造者

Probably you need just a simple foreach loop: 可能你只需要一个简单的foreach循环:

for(WebElement element : webElements){
    //here is all your matching magic

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