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修改“... | tee -a out.txt”以实时流式传输输出,而不是在完成时?

[英]Modifying “… | tee -a out.txt” to stream output live, rather than on completion?

I would need to output the output of a command on a file.我需要在文件上输出命令的输出。 Let's say my command is zip -r zip.zip directory , I would need to append/write (any of these options would be fine) to a file (let's say out.txt ).假设我的命令是zip -r zip.zip directory ,我需要将(这些选项中的任何一个都可以)附加/写入文件(比如说out.txt )。 I got zip zip.zip directory | tee -a out.txt我得到了zip zip.zip directory | tee -a out.txt zip zip.zip directory | tee -a out.txt so far, but it doesn't seem to work, it just writes the whole output when the command is over... How can I achieve this? zip zip.zip directory | tee -a out.txt到目前为止,但它似乎不起作用,它只是在命令结束时写入整个输出......我怎样才能做到这一点?

Thanks ;)谢谢 ;)

Background (ie. Why?)背景(即。为什么?)

Redirections are immediate -- when you run somecommand | tee -a out.txt重定向是即时的——当你运行somecommand | tee -a out.txt somecommand | tee -a out.txt , somecommand is set up with its stdout sent directly to a tee command, which is defined by its documentation to be unbuffered, and thus to write anything available on its input to its specified output sinks as quickly as possible. somecommand | tee -a out.txtsomecommand设置为将其标准输出直接发送到tee命令,该命令由其文档定义为无缓冲,从而尽快将其输入上可用的任何内容写入其指定的输出接收器。 Similarly, somecommand >out.txt sets somecommand to be writing to out.txt literally before it's even started.类似地, somecommand >out.txtsomecommand设置为在out.txt开始之前写入。

What's not immediate is flushing of buffered output.不是立即刷新缓冲输出。

That is to say: The standard C library, and most other tools/languages, buffer output on stdout, combining small writes into big ones.也就是说:标准 C 库和大多数其他工具/语言在 stdout 上缓冲输出,将小写组合成大写。 This is generally desirable, inasmuch as decreases the number of calls to and from kernel space ("context switches") in favor of doing a smaller number of more efficient, larger writes.这通常是可取的,因为减少进出内核空间(“上下文切换”)的调用次数,有利于进行更少量、更高效、更大的写入。

So your program isn't really waiting until it exits to write its output -- but it is waiting until its buffer (of maybe 32kb, or 64kb, or whatever) is full.所以,你的程序是不是真的等到它退出来写它的输出-但它正在等待(可能的32KB,64KB或,或其他),直到它的缓冲区已满。 If it never generates that much output at all, then it only gets flushed when closing the output stream.如果它从不产生那么多输出,那么它只会在关闭输出流时被刷新。

Workarounds (How? -- GNU version)解决方法(如何? - GNU 版本)

If you're on a GNU platform, and your program is leaving its file descriptors the way it found them rather than trying to configure buffering explicitly , you can use the stdbuf command to configure buffering like so:如果您在 GNU 平台上,并且您的程序将其文件描述符保留为找到它们的方式,而不是尝试显式配置缓冲,则可以使用stdbuf命令来配置缓冲,如下所示:

stdbuf -oL somecommand | tee -a out.txt

defines stdout ( -o ) to be line-buffered ( L ) when running somecommand .在运行somecommand时将 stdout ( -o ) 定义为行缓冲 ( L )。

Workarounds (How? -- Expect version)解决方法(如何? - 期望版本)

Alternately, if you have expect installed, you can use the unbuffer helper it includes:或者,如果您已经安装了expect ,您可以使用它包含的unbuffer帮助程序:

unbuffer somecommand | tee -a out.txt

...which will actually simulate a TTY (as expect does), getting the same non-buffered behavior you have when somecommand is connected directly to a console. ...它实际上会模拟 TTY(如expect那样),获得与somecommand直接连接到控制台时相同的非缓冲行为。

您是否尝试过 option command > out.log 2>&1 this log 将所有内容归档而不显示任何内容,所有内容都将直接进入该文件

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