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[英]ng-model is not working with ng-value in AngularJS

Below is my View page 以下是我的查看页面

<form name="form">
     <input name="name" type="text" ng-model='user.name' ng-value='emp.name' required />
     <span ng-show="form.name.$touched && form.name.$invalid">Name is required</span>
     <button ng-disabled="form.name.$touched && form.name.$invalid" ng-click='formUpdate()'>Update</button>

This is my controller 这是我的控制器

$scope.formUpdate = function() {
  $scope.status = false;
  method : 'POST',
  url : 'model/update.php',
  data :   $scope.user ,
  headers : {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}          

  }).then(function mySuccess(response) {
    $scope.update = response.data;
   }, function myError(response) {
    $scope.update = response.statusText;


When I am using data: $scope.user in my HTTP call I am getting blank values on console but if I used data: $scope.emp , then I never get updated values of input fields rather getting old values of input fields. 当我在HTTP调用中使用数据: $scope.user ,我在控制台上得到的是空白值,但是如果使用数据: $scope.emp ,则将永远不会获得输入字段的更新值,而不会获得输入字段的旧值。

ng-value binds the given expression to the value of the element. ng-value将给定的表达式绑定到元素的值。

As I understand your question, you are trying to initialize the input value to emp.name . 据我了解您的问题,您正在尝试将输入值初始化为emp.name

You should change your input to: 您应该将输入更改为:

<input type="text" ng-model='user.name' ng-init='user.name = emp.name' required />

ng-init docs ng-init文档

try this code; 试试这个代码;

$scope.formUpdate = function(){
  $scope.status = false;

  method : 'POST',
  url : 'model/update.php',
  data :   $scope.user ,
  headers : {'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}          

  }).then(function mySuccess(response) {
    $scope.update = response.data;
   }, function myError(response) {
    $scope.update = response.statusText;  


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