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在Ext Js复选框模型中禁用Checbox

[英]Disable Checbox in Ext Js checkbox model

I have grid with checkboxmodel , As per my requirement I have to disable some checkbox in checkbox model and restrict user to select that row. 我有带有checkboxmodel的网格,根据我的要求,我必须禁用复选框模型中的某些复选框,并限制用户选择该行。 I am able to achieve below code. 我能够实现以下代码。

        viewConfig: {
            getRowClass: function (record, rowIndex, rowParams, store) {
                return record.data.name == 'Lisa' ? 'bg' : "";
        listeners: {
          beforeselect: function ( test , record , index , eOpts ) {
              return record.data.name == "Lisa" ? false : true;

above configs are used in grid and below is my css 上面的配置用于网格,下面是我的CSS

.bg .x-grid-cell-row-checker{
     background-color: grey;
     pointer-events: none;
     opacity: 0.4;

Everythings work fine only one issue is header checkbox is not working ie not able deselectAll from header and able to select but not getting checked 一切正常,只有一个问题是标题复选框不起作用,即无法从标题中取消全选并且能够选择但未被选中

Here is my working fiddle 这是我的工作小提琴

Ext js version 5 Ext JS版本5

The problem occurs in the function updateHeaderState of the Ext.selection.CheckboxModel . 在功能出现问题updateHeaderState中的Ext.selection.CheckboxModel The function checks if all checkboxes are selected by hdSelectStatus = storeCount === selectedCount; 该函数检查是否通过hdSelectStatus = storeCount === selectedCount;选中了所有复选框hdSelectStatus = storeCount === selectedCount; . In your case selectedCount is not matching the storeCount and the state of the header checkbox is not updated. 在您的情况下,selectedCount与storeCount不匹配,并且标题复选框的状态未更新。

You could extend the Ext.selection.CheckboxModel and override the updateHeaderState function to fit your needs. 你可以扩展Ext.selection.CheckboxModel并覆盖updateHeaderState功能,以满足您的需求。

Expanding on And-y's answer, I would construct my own class and do something like in this Fiddle . 扩展And-y的答案,我将构建自己的类,并在此Fiddle中进行类似的操作。 I did add a few things, like the isDisabled flag in the model, but I don't see that as a bad thing, and it greatly helps out with deciding how to show the checkbox/fixing the Check All checkbox logic. 我确实添加了一些内容,例如模型中的isDisabled标志,但我认为这并不是一件坏事,这对决定如何显示复选框/修复“全部选中”复选框逻辑有很大帮助。

    name: 'Fiddle',

    launch: function () {
        Ext.define('MySelectionModel', {
            extend: 'Ext.selection.CheckboxModel',
            alias: 'selection.mySelectionModel',
            // default
            disableFieldName: 'isDisabled',
            listeners: {
                beforeselect: function (test, record, index, eOpts) {
                    return !record.get(this.disableFieldName);
            renderer: function(value, metaData, record, rowIndex, colIndex, store, view) {
                if (record.get(this.disableFieldName)) {
                    metaData.tdCls = 'bg';
                else {
                    return this.callParent(arguments);
            updateHeaderState: function () {
                // check to see if all records are selected
                var me = this,
                    store = me.store,
                    storeCount = store.getCount(),
                    views = me.views,
                    hdSelectStatus = false,
                    selectedCount = 0,
                    selected, len;
                var disableFieldName = me.disableFieldName;

                if (!store.isBufferedStore && storeCount > 0) {
                    selected = me.selected;
                    hdSelectStatus = true;
                    // loop over all records
                    for (var i = 0, j = 0; i < storeCount; i++) {
                        var rec = store.getAt(i);
                        var selectedRec = selected.getAt(j);
                        // Check selection collection for current record
                        if (selectedRec && selected.indexOf(rec) > -1) {
                            // Increment selection counter
                        // Otherwise, automatically consider disabled as part of selection
                        else if (rec.get(disableFieldName)) {
                    hdSelectStatus = storeCount === selectedCount;

                if (views && views.length) {
        Ext.create('Ext.data.Store', {
            storeId: 'simpsonsStore',
            fields: ['name', 'email', 'phone', 'isDisabled'],
            data: {
                'items': [{
                    'name': 'Lisa',
                    isDisabled: true,
                    "email": "lisa@simpsons.com",
                    "phone": "555-111-1224"
                }, {
                    'name': 'Bart',
                    "email": "bart@simpsons.com",
                    "phone": "555-222-1234"
                }, {
                    'name': 'Homer',
                    "email": "homer@simpsons.com",
                    "phone": "555-222-1244"
                }, {
                    'name': 'Marge',
                    "email": "marge@simpsons.com",
                    "phone": "555-222-1254"
            proxy: {
                type: 'memory',
                reader: {
                    type: 'json',
                    rootProperty: 'items'

        Ext.create('Ext.grid.Panel', {
            title: 'Simpsons',
            store: Ext.data.StoreManager.lookup('simpsonsStore'),
            selModel: {
                selType: "mySelectionModel",
                showHeaderCheckbox: true,
                mode: 'MULTI',
                allowDeselect: true,
                toggleOnClick: false,
                checkOnly: false
            columns: [{
                text: 'Name',
                dataIndex: 'name'
            }, {
                text: 'Email',
                dataIndex: 'email',
                flex: 1
            }, {
                text: 'Phone',
                dataIndex: 'phone'
            height: 200,
            width: 400,
            renderTo: Ext.getBody()

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