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[英]WPF Binding to dictionary with x:Name as a key

Please correct my question if it's not clear. 如果不清楚,请更正我的问题。 What I'm looking for is.. 我正在寻找的是..

Here's a sample binding for a dictionary... it works: 这是字典的示例绑定...它可以工作:

<TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=MyDictionary[ThisIsKeyInMyDict]}" />

I'm looking for: 我在找:

<TextBlock x:Name="Id" Text="{Binding Path=MyDictionary[x:Name]}" />

You see? 你看? I want to look in dictionary for a key, the same as "Name" of this control. 我想在字典中查找与该控件的“名称”相同的键。

Thanks for help! 感谢帮助!

You can use a MultiBinding for it: 您可以为其使用MultiBinding:

        <local:DictValueConverter x:Key="dictValCnv"/>        
    <MultiBinding Converter="{StaticResource dictValCnv}">
        <Binding Path="MyDictionary"/>
        <Binding RelativeSource="{RelativeSource Self}" Path="Name"/>

using System;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Windows.Data;
public class DictValueConverter : IMultiValueConverter
    public object Convert(object[] values, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        if (values==null || values.Length<2 )
            return false;

        var dict = values[0] as IDictionary;
        return dict[values[1]];
        return "KeyNotFound";
    public object[] ConvertBack(object value, Type[] targetTypes, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

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