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[英]Why is this.defaultNumber undefined? Trying to understand IIFE

Given this code: 鉴于此代码:

const numberManipulator = (function() {
   this.defaultNumber = 5;

  const doubleNumber = function(num) {
    return num !== undefined ? num * 2 : new Error('no number provided!');

  return {

const test = numberManipulator.doubleNumber(20);

Why is console.log(this.defaultNumber showing undefined but if I console.log(defaultNumber , it shows 5 ? I thought that it would show undefined for the latter. 为什么是console.log(this.defaultNumber显示undefined但是如果我是console.log(defaultNumber ,它显示5 ?我认为它会显示未定义的后者。

Thanks 谢谢

You should read How does the “this” keyword work? 您应该阅读“this”关键字如何工作?

When the IIFE is called, its this is not set so it defaults to the global object, so in: 当IIFE被调用时,它是不是设置成默认为全局对象,所以在:

const numberManipulator = (function() {
   this.defaultNumber = 5;

this.defaultNumber = 5 creates a property of the global (window in a browser) object called defaultNumber and assigns it a value of 5. this.defaultNumber = 5创建一个名为defaultNumber的全局(浏览器中的窗口)对象的属性,并为其赋值5。

If the return statement should really be: 如果return语句应该是:

return {doubleNumber: doubleNumber}

then the IIFE returns an object reference to numberManipulator . 然后IIFE返回对象引用numberManipulator。 When called as: 当被称为:


then this within doubleNumber is numberManipulator , which doesn't have a defaultNumber property so this.defaultNumber returns undefined . 那么doubleNumber中的 这个numberManipulator ,它没有defaultNumber属性,所以this.defaultNumber返回undefined

Long story short: 长话短说:

1. The IIFE is executing in the context of the window I was wrong, see RobG's comment. 1. IIFE正在我错误window执行,请参阅RobG的评论。
2. this thus refers to the window inside the IIFE, since it is not set by default. 2. this从而指的是window的内IIFE,因为它不是默认设置。
3. Your doing this.defaultNumber = 5; 你这样做this.defaultNumber = 5; is hence equivalent to 因此相当于
window.defaultNumber = 5;
4. The second method executes in the context of numberManipulator and so logging this.defaultNumber is equivalent to numberManipulator.defaultNumber which was never set by you. 4.第二种方法在numberManipulator的上下文中numberManipulator ,因此记录this.defaultNumber等同于您从未设置的numberManipulator.defaultNumber Hence, it is undefined. 因此,它是未定义的。

Explanation on this : this解释:

Inside any function, the this keyword refers to the current context in which the function is executing. 在任何函数内部, this关键字引用函数执行的当前上下文 It doesn't matter where you defined that function inside your codebase. 在代码库中定义该函数的位置并不重要。 All it matters in what context are you calling it. 在你称之为什么背景下,这一切都很重要。 In your current case, you're calling the IIFE in the context of the window. 在您当前的情况下,您在窗口的上下文中调用IIFE。 Doing: 这样做:

const numberManipulator = (function() {
   // MAGIC

amounts to: 总数是:

  1. running an IIFE in the window context. window上下文中运行IIFE。
  2. assigning the result it returned to a constant. 将返回的结果赋值给常量。

However, the context of a function may be changed by using .call , .apply , or by simply calling that method as a property of another object. 然而,功能的上下文中可以使用被改变.call.apply ,或通过简单地调用该方法作为另一对象的属性。 In your second log, this.defaultNumber , this refers to the object since you called the method using numberManipulator.doubleNumber(20); 在你的第二个日志this.defaultNumberthis是指你使用numberManipulator.doubleNumber(20);调用方法后的对象numberManipulator.doubleNumber(20); . Calling methods using object.prop() sets their context ( =this ) to that object . 使用object.prop()调用方法将其上下文( =this )设置为该object

Hope that helps! 希望有所帮助! :D :d

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