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[英]Read document from DocumentDB by ID using Node.js fails

I'm trying to read a single document from DocumentDB by using the document ID. 我正在尝试使用文档ID从DocumentDB中读取单个文档。 The collection has four fields, author being the partition key. 该集合有四个字段, author是分区键。

  "id": string,
  "author": string,
  "title": string,
  "year": int

I have two functions for reading the records stored into DocumentDB. 我有两个功能可以读取存储在DocumentDB中的记录。 queryCollectionByBookId reads a single document by document id and queryCollectionGetBooks returns all the documents in the collection. queryCollectionByBookId通过文档ID读取单个文档,而queryCollectionGetBooks返回集合中的所有文档。

var dbutils = {
    queryCollectionByBookId: function(client, documentUrl) {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            client.readDocument(documentUrl, function(err, doc) {
                if (err) {
                } else {
    queryCollectionGetBooks: function(client, collectionUrl) {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            client.readDocuments(collectionUrl).toArray((err, results) => {
                if (err)
                else {

queryCollectionGetBooks function works fine, but queryCollectionByBookId returns the error message below. queryCollectionGetBooks函数可以正常工作,但是queryCollectionByBookId返回以下错误消息。

{"Errors":["The partition key supplied in x-ms-partitionkey header has fewer components than defined in the the collection."]}

Has anyone else seen this error message and found out how to resolve it? 是否有其他人看到此错误消息并找到了解决方法?

It's an oversight in the documentation for the node.js client, but you have to add an options.partitionKey property to the optional second parameter in your readDocument(link, options, callback) call. 这是对node.js客户端文档的疏忽,但是您必须在readDocument(link, options, callback)调用中将options.partitionKey属性添加到可选的第二个参数中。

It's also an oversight in the docs but I think partitionKey needs to be an array with a single element (eg {options: {partitionKey: ["myKey"]}} [UPDATE: I'm told that it will now work with a single partition key value but I haven't confirmed it myself.] 这也是文档中的一个疏漏,但我认为partitionKey必须是一个包含单个元素的数组(例如{options: {partitionKey: ["myKey"]}} [UPDATE:有人告诉我现在它可以使用单个元素分区键值,但我自己尚未确认。]

Alternatively, you can set options.enableCrossPartitionQuery property to true but that is less efficient. 另外,您可以将options.enableCrossPartitionQuery属性设置为true但这效率较低。

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