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[英]Textfield does not react to Reducer, although console.log show correct value

I want to write a tool which iterates through the pupils of a school class. 我想写一个迭代学校班级学生的工具。 So I have a text field in a react component which displays a value: 所以我在react组件中有一个文本字段显示一个值:

<input className="form-control" onChange={this.handleInputChange} value={this.props.activePupil.name}></input>

If I tie its value to pupilName (which is given to my component as a prop, by my Redux store) it always show me the right value, whenever the value in the store changes. 如果我将其值绑定到瞳孔名称(由我的Redux商店作为道具提供给我的组件),则只要商店中的值发生更改,它就始终向我显示正确的值。

However, I also want the user to be able to changel the pupil's name should it be inaccurate. 但是,我还希望用户能够在不正确的情况下更改学生的姓名。 This does not work if the value of the input field is tied to the props. 如果输入字段的值绑定到props,则此方法不起作用。

So I thought I would tie it to some local state, and in the constructor I do: 所以我想将其绑定到某些本地状态,并在构造函数中执行以下操作:

this.state = {
     inputField: "No Pupil selected yet."

...and whenever the user edits the textfield, this wil be handled in a handleInputChange method, like so: ...并且每当用户编辑文本字段时,都将在handleInputChange方法中对其进行处理,如下所示:

      inputField: evt.target.value

This all works fine, but now when I want to iterate through the school class, my reducer, which contains the current or active pupil is correct (console.log shows the correct value), but the value displayed in the input field is always one behind. 这一切都很好,但是现在当我要遍历学校课程时,包含当前或当前学生的减速器是正确的(console.log显示正确的值),但是输入字段中显示的值始终为1背后。

Why could this be? 为什么会这样呢?

edit: full code: 编辑:完整代码:

// Import React
import React from 'react';

class PupilViewer extends React.Component{

  constructor(props) {
   this.state = {
     inputField: "No Pupil selected yet."
    this.handleInputChange = this.handleInputChange.bind(this);
    this.onSubmit = this.onSubmit.bind(this);
  handleInputChange(evt) {
          inputField: evt.target.value

  onSubmit(e) {

      this.state.inputField = this.props.activePupil.name;

  render() {
    // Return JSX via render()
    return (
      <div className="">
        <h1>Pupil View</h1>
        <input className="form-control" onChange={this.handleInputChange} value={this.state.inputField}></input>
        <button className="btn btn-large btn-positive" onClick={this.onSubmit}>Next</button>


// Export Search
export default PupilViewer

The above component is giving the following arguments from the container: 上面的组件从容器提供以下参数:

<PupilViewer nextPupil={this.props.nextPupil} pupilList={this.props.pupils} activePupil={this.props.activePupil} saveChanges={this.props.saveChanges} updateActivePupil={this.props.updateActivePupil}/>

I need to point out here that nextPupil, saveChanges & updateActivePupil are functions which I pass down here. 我需要在这里指出,nextPupil,saveChanges和updateActivePupil是我在此处传递的函数 I have two reducers. 我有两个减速器。 One contains a object with all pupils, another the active pupil: 一个包含所有学生的对象,另一个包含活动学生的对象:

active pupil reducer: 主动式减瞳器:

export default function (state={id: -1, name:"Default Pupil Name in State"}, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
      case "UPDATE_ACTIVE":
        let newState = action.payload;
        return newState;
      case "GET_ACTIVE":
        return state;
        return state;

my reducer with all pupils: 我所有学生的减速器:

//my default array
let default_pupils = [{
id: 0,
name: "Matthew",
//there are more attributes here
 //and there are more pupils here

export default function (state=default_pupils, action) {
  switch (action.type) {
      case "SAVE_CHANGES":
        let newState = [...state];
        newState[2] = {...newState[2], name: action.payload.name };
        return newState;
        return state;

Lastly, here are my actions: 最后,这是我的操作:

var activePupilCount = 0;

export const getActivePupil = () => {
  return {
    type: "GET_ACTIVE"

export const updateActivePupil = (pupil) => {
  console.log("UPDATE:" + pupil.name)
  return {
    type: "UPDATE_ACTIVE",
    payload: pupil

export const nextActivePupil = () => {
  return (dispatch, getState) => {
    const {activePupil, pupilList} = getState();
    console.log("COUNT:"+ activePupilCount);
    const nextIndex = (activePupilCount) % pupilList.length;
    const nextActive = pupilList[nextIndex];

    dispatch({ type: "UPDATE_ACTIVE", payload: nextActive });

export const saveChanges = (pupil) => {
  return {
    type: "SAVE_CHANGES",
    payload: pupil

Not sure if this will fix everything and make it work as expected, but you should never do 不知道这是否可以解决所有问题并使其按预期工作,但是您绝对不应该这样做

this.state.inputField = this.props.activePupil.name;

instead, do 相反,做

this.setState({ inputField: this.props.activePupil.name })

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