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Stata esttab / LaTeX错误:“额外对齐”选项卡已更改为\\ cr

[英]Stata esttab/LaTeX Error: Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr

Combining and modifying this code ( http://www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2012-11/msg00756.html ) and this code ( http://www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2009-02/msg00023.html ), I try to use esttab (part of estout ) in Stata to export a file that can be compiled in LaTeX. 结合并修改此代码( http://www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2012-11/msg00756.html )和此代码( http://www.stata.com/statalist/archive/2009-02/ msg00023.html ),我尝试使用esttab (部分estout在Stata)导出,可以在LaTeX的编译文件。 A real application of this might involve a complicated summary statistics table where one is pulling the statistics from several different sources and thus needs to utilize matrices. 对此的实际应用可能涉及一个复杂的摘要统计表,该表从多个不同的来源提取统计信息,因此需要利用矩阵。 I am getting an error, however, in LaTeX when I compile. 我在编译时在LaTeX中遇到错误。 The error is: 错误是:

Extra alignment tab has been changed to \cr. 

Stata code: Stata代码:

clear all
eststo clear
mat A = (1,2\5,6)
mat coln A = male:1979 male:2007
mat rown A = mystat
ereturn post
estadd matrix B = A'
eststo MaleLabel
mat A = (3,4\7,8)
mat coln A = female:1979 female:2007
mat rown A = mystat
ereturn post
estadd matrix B = A'
eststo FemaleLabel
esttab MaleLabel FemaleLabel using "esttab.tex", ///
    cell((B["1979"]B["2007"])) booktabs ///
    mgroups("Male" "Female", pattern(1 1) prefix(\multicolumn{@span}{c}{) suffix(}) span erepeat(\cmidrule(lr){@span})) ///
    noobs replace nomtitles nonum 

LaTeX code: LaTeX代码:


The file that is produced from esttab is: esttab生成的文件是:

            &\multicolumn{2}{c}{Male} &\multicolumn{2}{c}{Female}\\\cmidrule(lr){2-3}\cmidrule(lr){4-5}
            &        1979&        2007&        1979&        2007\\
mystat      &           1&           2&           3&           4\\
mystat      &           5&           6&           7&           8\\

Now, I can get things to work if I tweak this line: 现在,如果我调整此行,则可以使工作正常:


to be: 成为:


(I added an extra c .) (我添加了一个额外的c 。)

But I only know how to do this manually. 但我只知道如何手动执行此操作。 What can I change in the Stata code to make this happen automatically? 我可以更改Stata代码以使其自动发生吗?

add this simple option to your estab code 将此简单选项添加到您的estab代码中


and you are all set my man! 你们都定了我的男人!

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