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[英]pretty printing in haskell with data structure

I am the beginner of Haskell, and I want to make a pretty printing with data structures in Haskell. 我是Haskell的初学者,我想用Haskell中的数据结构进行漂亮的打印。

I have the following data structure: 我有以下数据结构:

https://codeshare.io/5zl9WD https://codeshare.io/5zl9WD

I want to print the following value: 我要打印以下值:

int a(int b, int* c){
   return b + *c;

by using the following function types: 通过使用以下函数类型:

pFunc :: f -> document

putStrLn $ pretty 40 $ pFunc fun

fun =("a", TInt, [(TInt, "b"),(TPtr TInt, "c")]
      , [SReturn (EBinOp "+" (EIdent "b") (EUnOpPre "*" (EIdent "c")))])

document data structure is as the following: document数据结构如下:

https://codeshare.io/G64gyg https://codeshare.io/G64gyg

But honestly I don't have any idea. 但老实说,我没有任何想法。 I have many similar simple printings. 我有许多类似的简单印刷品。 If I can have an idea about this printing, the remaining one won't be a problem. 如果我对这种打印有一个想法,那么剩下的就不会有问题了。

But might be the shortest way to print the value above by using document data type? 但是,这可能是使用document数据类型打印上述值的最短方法吗?

Write a pretty-printer function for each of the types in the abstract-syntax-tree. 为abstract-syntax-tree中的每种类型编写一个漂亮的打印机函数。 Each function will have type: 每个函数将具有以下类型:

pretty<Foo> :: <Foo> -> Document

where you replace <Foo> with the type name. 在其中将<Foo>替换为类型名称。 Work bottom up, so you can test each function as you write it. 自下而上,因此您可以在编写每个功能时对其进行测试。 ie implement the pretty-printer for Type first, since it is needed by the pretty-printer for Stmt and f (which should be called Func or something). 即,首先为Type实现pretty-printer,因为Stmtf (应该称为Func )的漂亮打印机需要它。

For instance: 例如:

prettyType :: Type -> Document
prettyType TVoid     = text "void"
prettyType TInt      = text "int"
prettyType TFloat    = text "float"
prettyType TChar     = text "char"
prettyType TPtr t    = prettyType t <> text "*"
prettyType TStruct s = text "struct" <+> text s

Follow the same pattern for each of Exp , Stmt , Case , and Func . ExpStmtCaseFunc遵循相同的模式。

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