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如何使ionic2项目在任何iPhone模拟器上运行? (来自osX El Capitan)

[英]How to get ANY ionic2 project to run on ANY iPhone simulator ? (from osX El Capitan)

My attempts to run the Ionic2 blank template on osX El Capitan, deploying to iPhone-SE, 10.2 simulator or iPhone 7 Plus always result in 我试图在osX El Capitan上运行Ionic2空白模板,并部署到iPhone-SE,10.2模拟器或iPhone 7 Plus的尝试总是导致
** BUILD SUCCEEDED ** **建立成功**
followed by the "white screen of death" 其次是“死亡白屏”

So I tried Apache Cordova WKWebView plugin, with the same result, but got an additional error: 所以我尝试了Apache Cordova WKWebView插件,结果相同,但是又出现了另一个错误:

Installing "cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine" for ios
Error: The header content contains invalid characters

I have an Ionic2 app published in the Android App Store, so my problems may be entirely to do with osX. 我在Android App Store中发布了一个Ionic2应用程序,因此我的问题可能完全与osX有关。

My most recent (failed) attempt in a Terminal: 我最近在终端中的尝试(失败):

cd /Users/apple/Desktop/don/ionic2
ionic start Test blank --v2
cd Test
ionic platform add ios
ionic prepare ios
ionic emulate ios --consolelogs

---> "white screen of death" --->“死亡白屏”

ionic plugin rm cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine
ionic plugin add https://github.com/driftyco/cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine.git --save

-> Installing "cordova-plugin-wkwebview-engine" for ios
-> Error: The header content contains invalid characters ionic prepare ios

LAUNCH XCODE from/Users/apple/Desktop/don/ionic2/Test/platform/ios/.xcodeproj
In xCode: Run on simulator

---> "white screen of death" --->“死亡白屏”

How to get any ionic2 project to run on any iPhone simulator? 如何使任何 ionic2项目在任何 iPhone模拟器上运行?

I have overcome this problem by purchasing a used Mac Mini for this job. 我已通过购买二手Mac Mini来解决此问题。 With this Mac, running OS x Sierra, I had no problems at all. 使用运行OS x Sierra的Mac,我完全没有问题。 The Blank app ran ok on an iPhone simulator. 在iPhone模拟器上,Blank应用程序运行正常。 Even my app ran without errors. 甚至我的应用程序都运行无误。

It appears there was something unusual about my attempts to use a borrowed Mac for the purpose. 看来我尝试使用借用的Mac来做这件事有些不寻常。

If you encounter the problem, take heart, there is at least this (drastic) way out. 如果您遇到问题,请振作起来,至少有这种(激烈的)出路。

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