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[英]Why specify the path in app.use?

var app = require('express')();
app.use('/test', require('./test'));

var router = require('express').Router();

router.get('/test', function (req, res) {
module.exports = routes;

Why does the path need to be specified in app.use and router.get? 为什么需要在app.use和router.get中指定路径? If I simply put app.use('/', require('./test')); 如果我只是把app.use('/', require('./test')); instead, it seems to work just fine still. 相反,它似乎仍然可以正常工作。

With specifying router.get('/test', function (req, res) your handler method will handle any request thats ends in /test. Depends on where the router is use() . 通过指定router.get('/test', function (req, res)您的处理程序方法将处理以/ test结尾的任何请求,具体取决于路由器的use()

app.use(withPath, [callback...] app.use(withPath,[callback ...]

That mount your middleware functions tests at the speficied path /test So your middlewares test will be execute when the base request url path match. 将您的中间件功能tests安装在指定的路径/test这样,当基本请求url路径匹配时,将执行中间件test

If you change this: 如果您更改此设置:

app.use('/test', require('./test'));

to this: 对此:

app.use('/', require('./test'));

then you will have the same functionality as before of using the middleware exported by the ./test module on the routes that start with /test so you will experience that everything will work the same, but that middleware will also handle every other route not necessarily starting with /test which, depending on what it does and how it works, may or may not be what you want. 那么您将具有与之前在/test开头的路由上使用./test模块导出的中间件相同的功能,因此您将体验到所有功能都可以正常工作,但是该中间件也可以处理其他所有路由以/test开头,取决于您的功能和工作方式,它可能是您想要的,也可能不是。

By using some path in the app.use() call you restrict the middleware that you're loading to that path only. 通过在app.use()调用中使用某些路径,可以将要加载的中间件仅限制为该路径。 When you use / then it's like saying "every path" because every path starts with the slash - even paths that are requested for URLs that doesn't include the slash are still requested with slash, using eg with HTTP/1.1 something like: 当您使用/这就像说“每个路径”,因为每个路径都以斜杠开头-甚至对于不包含斜杠的URL所请求的路径仍以斜杠请求,例如使用HTTP / 1.1之类的东西:

GET / HTTP/1.1
Host: localhost

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