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Vue 将插槽模板传递给扩展组件

[英]Vue pass slot template to extended component

Is any way to pass a template to extended component?有什么方法可以将模板传递给扩展组件? Example, that illustrates the problem:示例,说明了问题:

There is a component named Slide with a template like so:有一个名为Slide的组件,其模板如下:

    <div class="swiper-slide swiper-slide-one">
        <div class="swiper-filter"></div>
        <slot />

In other place i need to create and mount that component in imperative style:在其他地方,我需要以命令式样式创建和安装该组件:

import SlideComponent from '@/components/Slide'
const Slide = Vue.extend(SlideComponent);
new Slide().$mount('#container');

The problem is that i have no idea how to pass a template that will be compiled in the slot of the extended component.问题是我不知道如何传递将在扩展组件的插槽中编译的模板。

jsfiddle jsfiddle

You can use Vue.compile combined with $createElement .您可以将Vue.compile$createElement结合使用。

const slotTemplate = `<div><h4>This is the slot content</h4>{{message}}</div>`;
const renderer = Vue.compile(slotTemplate)
const slotContent = {
    return {
      message: "some data in the slot"
  render: renderer.render,
  staticRenderFns: renderer.staticRenderFns

const instance = new Slide();
instance.$slots.default = [instance.$createElement(slotContent)];

Above is an example of a slot that requires some data.上面是一个需要一些数据的插槽示例。 If your slot content is just HTML you could get away with just this:如果您的插槽内容只是 HTML,那么您可以摆脱这种情况:

const slotTemplate = `<div><h4>This is the slot content</h4></div>`
const instance = new Slide();
instance.$slots.default = [instance.$createElement(Vue.compile(slotTemplate))];

Here is an example .这是一个例子

Note: $slots[key] should be an array of vNodes .注意: $slots[key] 应该是一个 vNodes 数组 It will render correctly if you use a vNode, but there will be bugs (eg when calling vm._update)如果您使用 vNode,它将正确呈现,但会有错误(例如,调用 vm._update 时)

If you are open to change your approach a little bit, a <component> instead of <slot> :如果你愿意稍微改变你的方法,一个<component>而不是<slot>

https://jsfiddle.net/jonataswalker/z5Lgbjv8/ https://jsfiddle.net/jonataswalker/z5Lgbjv8/

const Parent = {
  template: `<div>
        <span>parent content</span>
      <component :is="view"></component>
  data() {
    return { view: '' }

const Other = {
  template: `<div>
        <h1>from Other</h1>

const Slide = Vue.extend(Parent)

// how to pass template to the Parent`s slot?
new Slide({
  data: { view: Other }

(This question is similar to this SO question . I am just gonna share a similar answer I post for that question here.) (这个问题类似于这个SO question 。我只是要分享一个类似的答案,我在这里为这个问题发布。)

The trick is simple.诀窍很简单。 Basically, when extending, create a new component that registers Parent as a local component.基本上,在扩展时,创建一个将Parent注册为本地组件的新组件。

Demo: https://jsfiddle.net/jacobgoh101/omjgmb3f/演示: https ://jsfiddle.net/jacobgoh101/omjgmb3f/

const Slide = Vue.extend({
  components: {
  template: `
    <div style="color:red">I am a slot</div>
new Slide().$mount('#container')

If You can change Your source code structure, You should also be able to use jsx.如果你可以改变你的源代码结构,你应该也可以使用 jsx。 In Vue-Cli3 it requires additional babel plugin, in Nuxt it works out of the box).在 Vue-Cli3 中它需要额外的 babel 插件,在 Nuxt 中它是开箱即用的)。 You simply create some hook function as method or compute, for example:您只需创建一些钩子函数作为方法或计算,例如:

slotHook () {
  <template v-slot.../>

and place it inside the render function.并将其放在渲染函数中。 Then, in the child (component extending the default one), You overwrite the slotHook method:然后,在子组件(扩展默认组件)中,您覆盖 slotHook 方法:

slotHook () {
  return (
    <template v-slot... some-differen-params:.../>

This approach does not cause any errors/issues during render and works flawless.这种方法在渲染过程中不会导致任何错误/问题,并且可以完美运行。 Other approach might be to use PUG templates and their block & extend functionality.其他方法可能是使用 PUG 模板及其块和扩展功能。 I know I'm posting this response quite late, but maybe it could help somebody.我知道我很晚才发布此回复,但也许它可以帮助某人。

You have to pass it like this:你必须像这样传递它:

   //HTML code here goes to slot

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