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将图标添加到 django 脆皮表单提交按钮

[英]add an icon to django crispy form submit button

I am struggling with the Button on a crispy form.我正在为脆脆的 Button 苦苦挣扎。 Instead of just the default button I would like to have an icon inside我想在里面有一个图标,而不仅仅是默认按钮

The form I am currently using is like我目前使用的表格就像

class MyForm(forms.ModelForm):

helper = FormHelper()
helper.layout = Layout(
        Div(PrependedText('source_text', '<span class="fa fa-user"></span>'), css_class='col-md-6'),
        Div(PrependedText('destination_text','<span class="fa fa-flag-checkered"></span>'), css_class='col-md-6'),
        Div(PrependedText('departure', '<span class="fa fa-clock-o"></span>'), css_class='col-md-3'),
        Div('departure_delta', css_class='col-md-2'),
        Div(Submit('submit', "Neue Fahrt starten", css_class="btn"), css_class="col-md2"),
helper.form_show_labels = False
helper.form_id = 'id_travelshare'

class Meta:

    model = MyModel
    fields = ['source', 'source_text', 'destination',
              'destination_text', 'departure', 'departure_delta']

    widgets = {
        'source': forms.HiddenInput(),
        'destination': forms.HiddenInput(),
        'departure' : forms.DateTimeInput(attrs={'class':'datetimepicker'}),

What I want is a button with an icon inside.我想要的是一个里面有一个图标的按钮。 I did not find an example for this.我没有找到一个例子。 Maybe somebody has one.也许有人有一个。

Kind regads亲切的问候


To do this it's hard to use the built-in Submit layout item.为此,很难使用内置的 Submit 布局项。 Instead, it's best to just use a general layout.HTML item like this:相反,最好只使用这样的常规 layout.HTML 项:

        layout.HTML('<button type="submit" class="btn btn-primary">'
                    '<span class="fas fa-plus"></span> Apply to change order'

You can add a CSS class to your submit button and then specify a background-image for buttons with this class:您可以向提交按钮添加 CSS 类,然后使用此类为按钮指定背景图像:

Submit('submit', "Neue Fahrt starten", css_class="btn icon-button")

# in your .css file:
.btn.icon-button {
    background-image: url(../../icons/button-arrow-right.png);

This worked perfectly for me:这对我来说非常有效:

PrependedText('price', '<span class="fas fa-lira-sign"></span>')

This seemed like the easiest method compared the above solutions which were also worthy :-)与上述同样值得的解决方案相比,这似乎是最简单的方法:-)

I can live with an ordinary link and submit the form with JS.我可以使用普通链接并使用JS提交表单。 Now it looks like :现在它看起来像:

<a href="#" class="btn btn-primary">
        <i class="fa fa-plus" aria-hidden="true"></i>



You can use StrictButton to create a button element instead of an input and set type to 'submit'.您可以使用 StrictButton 创建按钮元素而不是输入并将类型设置为“提交”。 Then you can put any html you want inside the button.然后你可以把任何你想要的 html 放在按钮里面。

StrictButton('Neue Fahrt starten <i class="fa fa-pencil"></i>', type="submit", css_class="btn")

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