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[英]Filter single item from a List

Given: 鉴于:

iex(9)> list_of_maps = [%{"a" => 1, "b"  => 2, "c" => 3},%{"a" => 66, "b"  => 1, "c" => 9},%{"a" => 66, "b"  => 20, "c" => 8}]

I can do: 我可以:

iex(10)> Enum.filter(list_of_maps, &(&1["a"] == 1))                                                                                                                                                                
Enum.filter(list_of_maps, &(&1["a"] == 1))                                                                                                                                                                         
[%{"a" => 1, "b" => 2, "c" => 3}]

However now comes the part I dread writing in every language - getting the first value of this list to extract the single item. 但是现在出现了我害怕用每种语言编写的部分-获取此列表的第一个值以提取单个项目。

Is there some standard function in elixir that filters a list, returning single item if there is only one item after a filter is applied, or a list of items if there are numerous items returned after the filter is applied? elixir中是否有一些标准函数来过滤列表,如果在应用过滤器后只有一项,则返回单个项目,或者在应用过滤器后返回许多项,则返回项目列表? Like: 喜欢:

iex(11)> Enum.filterr(list_of_maps, &(&1["a"] == 1))                                                                                                                                                                
Enum.filter(list_of_maps, &(&1["a"] == 1))                                                                                                                                                                         
%{"a" => 1, "b" => 2, "c" => 3}

iex(12)> Enum.filterr(list_of_maps, &(&1["a"] == 66))                                                                                                                                                                
Enum.filter(list_of_maps, &(&1["a"] == 66))                                                                                                                                                                         
[%{"a" => 66, "b"  => 1, "c" => 9},%{"a" => 66, "b"  => 20, "c" => 8}]]

Find one item from a List 从列表中查找一项

If you want to filter a list to get only one item , use Enum.find/2 : 如果要过滤列表以仅获取一项 ,请使用Enum.find/2

Enum.find(list_of_maps, fn m -> m["a"] == 1 end)

Get one or a list of matches 获取一个或一个匹配项列表

To handle both cases, pattern matching is the way to go: 要处理两种情况,模式匹配是必经之路:

defmodule MyEnum do
  def filter(list, fun) do
    |> Enum.filter(fun)
    |> normalize

  defp normalize([item]), do: item
  defp normalize(list),   do: list

You can then use it like this: 然后可以像这样使用它:

MyEnum.filter(list_of_maps, &(&1["a"] == 1))

It will return a list if there are multiple matches or the map itself if there's only one match. 如果有多个匹配项,它将返回一个列表;如果只有一个匹配项,则将返回地图本身。

Just pipe your filtered list into Enum.at/2 只需将过滤后的列表发送到Enum.at/2

first = list_of_maps |> Enum.filter(&(&1["a"] == 66)) |> Enum.at(0)

That will get the first element of the filtered list regardless of size. 无论大小如何,都将获得过滤列表的第一个元素。

Also, as Dogbert mentioned in the comments you can just use Enum.find/2 instead of filter to just find the first match. 而且,正如Dogbert在评论中提到的那样,您可以只使用Enum.find/2而不是filter来查找第一个匹配项。

Enum.find(list_of_maps, &(&1["a"] == 66))

Is there some standard function in elixir that filters a list, returning single item if there is only one item … or a list of items if there are numerous items 灵丹妙药中是否有一些标准功能可以过滤列表,如果只有一个…则返回单个项目…或如果有很多项目则返回一个项目列表

No, but pattern matching makes it trivial: 不,但是模式匹配使它变得微不足道:

def single_or_many([single]), do: single
def single_or_many(many), do: many

And if you wanted to treat the empty list specially (before the 'many' case): 而且,如果您想特别对待空列表(在“很多”情况之前):

def single_or_many([]), do: :nil

Then, the function call chain would be: 然后,函数调用链将是:

|> Enum.filter(&(&1["a"] == 1))
|> single_or_many

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