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[英]Cannot start Go server on localhost

Today, i encountered a very strange problem concerning a local server in Go on MAC OS X 10.12.2. 今天,我在Mac OS X 10.12.2上的Go语言中遇到了一个关于本地服务器的非常奇怪的问题。 Suddenly, after a successful build, i cannot start my application. 突然,在成功构建之后,我无法启动我的应用程序。 Every time i get a "Killed 9" message. 每次我收到“杀死9”的消息。

This problem could be caused by two dependencies: 此问题可能是由于两个依赖关系引起的:

  1. github.com/xeodou/go-sqlcipher
  2. github.com/shirou/gopsutil/host

Without them the application can start, but I need them. 没有它们,应用程序可以启动,但是我需要它们。

I have been using those two dependencies for two months and I haven't had any problems with them. 我已经使用了这两个依赖关系两个月了,我对它们没有任何问题。 The problem happened suddenly after a successful build. 成功构建后,问题突然发生了。 I cloned the whole repository into two environments with Mac OS X 10.12.2 and Windows 8 and I didn't get any problems. 我使用Mac OS X 10.12.2和Windows 8将整个存储库克隆到两个环境中,但没有遇到任何问题。 The applications started on both machines. 应用程序在两台计算机上启动。

Probably due to constant application checks and dozens of local servers created, MAC OS blocks some processes, but I couldn't find out where the problem is. 可能由于不断进行应用程序检查和创建了数十台本地服务器,MAC OS阻止了某些进程,但我无法确定问题出在哪里。

There seems to be some issue with the Sierra command line tools that were released today as part of xcode 8.3. 今天作为xcode 8.3的一部分发布的Sierra命令行工具似乎存在一些问题。 Totally hosed my go project with immediate Killed: 9 upon running it. 运行时立即将我的go项目彻底杀死了:9。 I had to revert back to command line tools from 8.2 我不得不从8.2恢复到命令行工具

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