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[英]Trying to make a simple ToDo list with React, how can I push an item to an array?

I'm trying to make a simple ToDo list with React. 我正在尝试使用React创建一个简单的ToDo列表。 How can I push an item to an array? 如何将项目推入数组? I'm trying to use ES6. 我正在尝试使用ES6。 I would like to click the button, and get the contents of the input field displayed in a list. 我想单击该按钮,并在列表中显示输入字段的内容。

import React, { Component } from 'react';

class Example extends Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
            query: [],
            item: ''

    render() {
                      onChange={e => {this.setState({item: e.target.value})}} />
                      onClick={() => {this.setState({ query: [...this.state.query, this.state.item]})}}>Add Item to Array
                this.state.query.map((q, key) => {
                        <li key={key}>{q}</li>

export default Example;

EDIT: 编辑:

In the console, I see that an item is added to the array, however then the page refreshes, and the array is empty again. 在控制台中,我看到一个项目已添加到阵列中,但是随后页面刷新,并且阵列再次为空。 Should I add event.preventDefault somewhere to the button? 我应该在按钮的某处添加event.preventDefault吗?

EDIT: 编辑:

Solved it by adding type="button" to button. 通过在按钮中添加type =“ button”来解决该问题。 Instead of using the default 'submit' type. 而不是使用默认的“提交”类型。 Now it doesn't refresh the page, and I can see items added to the array, and displayed as a list. 现在它不会刷新页面,并且我可以看到添加到数组中的项目并显示为列表。 I was just practising, so I know to store the data I would need a database etc. :) 我只是在练习,所以我知道要存储需要数据库的数据,等等:)

Solved it by adding type="button" to button. 通过在按钮中添加type =“ button”来解决该问题。 Instead of using the default 'submit' type. 而不是使用默认的“提交”类型。 Now it doesn't refresh the page, and I can see items added to the array, and displayed as a list. 现在它不会刷新页面,并且我可以看到添加到数组中的项目并显示为列表。 I was just practising, so I know to store the data I would need a database etc. :) 我只是在练习,所以我知道要存储需要数据库的数据,等等:)

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