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[英]After jquery auto refresh a div popup doesnt work

I have a jquery which refreshes the div but after refresh the popup doesn't work from the refreshed data. 我有一个刷新div的jquery但刷新后弹出窗口不能刷新数据。

<script type="text/javascript">
    $(function() {
        $.ajaxSetup ({
            cache: false
        //Refresh trigger `#newORDERx`
        var auto_refreshes = setInterval(function () {$('#newORDERx').load('inc/restAdmin_orders_rcvz.php');}, 1000);
<div id="newORDERx"></div>

When i use it like below then popup works fine but then it doesn't refresh the div. 当我像下面那样使用它然后弹出工作正常但然后它不刷新div。

<script type="text/javascript">
        $.ajaxSetup ({
            cache: false
            mainClass: 'pp-product-detail' // when i use this then popup works but then doesn't refresh the div
        var auto_refreshes = setInterval(function () {$('#newORDERx').load('inc/restAdmin_orders_rcvz.php');}, 1000);


pp-product-detail class pp-product-detail类

AJAX popup

if ($('.pp-product-detail').length) {
       type: 'ajax'

restAdmin_orders_rcvz.php restAdmin_orders_rcvz.php

<div class="col-lg-6">
  <div class="the-menu-item">
    <div class="image-wrap">
      <a class="pp-product-detail" href="product-detail-popup-rest-admin-order-rcv.php?iid=<?php echo $phporder; ?>">
      <img src="images/themenu/img-1.jpg" alt="">
    <div class="the-menu-body">
      <b><font color='red'> Order # </font> <?php echo $phporder; ?><br>
      <font color='red'> Items Included : </font> <?php echo $lrsa['count']; ?>
      <br><font color='red'>Dated : </font> <?php echo date("d/m/Y", strtotime($phpdates)); ?>

Okay... I'm pretty sure that the problem is in your class , since you re-write the .pp-product-detail element... 好的...我很确定你的class存在问题,因为你重写了.pp-product-detail元素......

So try to change it to this: 所以尝试将其更改为:

if ($(document).find('.pp-product-detail').length) {
       type: 'ajax'

I have just added following file in restAdmin_orders_rcvz.php and its working fine. 我刚刚在restAdmin_orders_rcvz.php添加了以下文件,并且工作正常。

<script type="text/javascript" src="js/scripts.js"></script>

restAdmin_orders_rcvz.php restAdmin_orders_rcvz.php

<div class="col-lg-6">
  <div class="the-menu-item">
    <div class="image-wrap">
      <a class="pp-product-detail" href="product-detail-popup-rest-admin-order-rcv.php?iid=<?php echo $phporder; ?>">
      <img src="images/themenu/img-1.jpg" alt="">
    <div class="the-menu-body">
      <b><font color='red'> Order # </font> <?php echo $phporder; ?><br>
      <font color='red'> Items Included : </font> <?php echo $lrsa['count']; ?>
      <br><font color='red'>Dated : </font> <?php echo date("d/m/Y", strtotime($phpdates)); ?>

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