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使用ADFS的本机应用(iOS / Android)自动化

[英]Native app (ios/android) autentication using ADFS

I basically want to want to authenticate with ADFS as an external identity provider in a native ios/android app. 我基本上想在本地ios / android应用中使用ADFS作为外部身份提供程序进行身份验证。 Preferably with a seamless login experience, but that may be asking to much. 最好具有无缝登录体验,但这可能要求很多。 The setup that I want is pretty much the one described here except that I moved the identity stuff to an STS project. 除了将标识内容移至STS项目之外,我所需的设置几乎是此处描述的设置。 The ios and android apps are accessing the web api. ios和android应用正在访问网络api。

I also used this pluralsight course. 我也使用了这个多元视野课程。

Now I "just" need a way to use the credentials received from the mobile app to issue an access token. 现在,我“只是”需要一种方法来使用从移动应用程序接收到的凭据来发出访问令牌。 I need to know if I am on the right path. 我需要知道我是否走对了。 I am using: 我在用:

  • IdentityServer3. IdentityServer3。
  • Oauth2 and OpenID Connect. Oauth2和OpenID Connect。 (using password grant) (使用密码授予)
  • The solution has to work on adfs 3.0. 该解决方案必须适用于adfs 3.0。
  • NET 4.6 web api and mvc solutions running in azure. NET 4.6 Web API和MVC解决方案在Azure中运行。

I have been looking at the ADAL.NET project, but that seems to be primarily for Xamarin and I already have the ios and android developed natively. 我一直在研究ADAL.NET项目,但这似乎主要是针对Xamarin的,我已经原生开发了ios和android。

Questions: 问题:

  1. What is the best approach going forward? 最好的方法是什么?
  2. Are there any (perhaps new) technologies that i am completely missing? 是否有我完全不了解的(也许是新的)技术?

Your basic problem is that with ADFS 3.0, there is no OpenID Connect support and very limited OAuth support - basically just auth. 您的基本问题是,使用ADFS 3.0时,没有OpenID Connect支持,而对OAuth的支持非常有限-基本上只是auth。 code grant for web API. Web API的代码授权。

Much along these lines . 这些方面都是如此

If you want the full stack (ala what you have with idsrv3), you need ADFS 4.0. 如果需要完整的堆栈(与idsrv3一样),则需要ADFS 4.0。

You could federate idsrv3 with ADFS using WS-Fed for the final hop. 您可以使用WS-Fed作为最后一跳,将idsrv3与ADFS联合。

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