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Java 8流中的JUnit断言

[英]JUnit assertions within in Java 8 stream

Say I have three objects that I save to the database and set the db generated ID into. 假设我有三个对象保存到数据库并将db生成的ID设置为。 I don't know the order of the objects returned from the method saveToDb . 我不知道从方法saveToDb返回的对象的顺序。 But I want to junit test that those generated IDs are there. 但是我想对这些生成的ID进行测试。 How do I do that within in stream? 我如何在流中做到这一点? I want to do something like this: 我想做这样的事情:

List<MyObject> myObjects = getObjects();
numRecords = saveToDb(myObjects); // numRecords=3
List<Integer> intArray = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3);
  .forEach(it -> myObjects.stream()
    .filter(it2 -> it2.getId().equals(it))

But I'm not sure where my assertEquals() would go in a statement like this. 但是我不确定我的assertEquals()会在这样的语句中出现在哪里。 Or is my approach all wrong? 或者我的方法都错了? I know I could use a simple for-loop, but I like the elegance of streams. 我知道我可以使用简单的for循环,但我喜欢流的优雅。 Additionally, is there a way to dynamically create the intArray, in case I have more than 3 myObjects? 另外,有没有办法动态创建intArray,以防我有超过3个myObjects?

It seems (if i understood correctly), how about something like this: 似乎(如果我理解正确),这样的事情怎么样:

 boolean result = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3).stream()
            .allMatch(i -> objects
                .filter(j -> j == i).findAny().isPresent());

So you basically want to check whether a MyObject instance was assigned an ID? 所以你基本上想检查一个MyObject实例是否被分配了一个ID? Is the equalness to the IDs in the array from any importance? 与任何重要性的数组中的ID是否相等?

If not: 如果不:

List<MyObject> objects = getObjects();

Assuming there is a "getId" Method on MyObject of course. 假设MyObject上有一个“getId”方法。

Just a little supplement for your additional question: 只需为您的其他问题补充一点:

Additionally, is there a way to dynamically create the intArray, in case I have more than 3 myObjects? 另外,有没有办法动态创建intArray,以防我有超过3个myObjects?

Yes you can use IntStream to create a stream based on the size of your objects like: 是的,您可以使用IntStream根据对象的大小创建流,如:

IntStream.rangeClosed(1, objects.size()) // both start and end inclusive

and there's also a method IntStream.range(int start, int end) which end is exclusive. 并且还有一个方法IntStream.range(int start, int end) ,其end是独占的。

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