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[英]ES6 Named Object Parameter Destructuring

I am currently using the object destructuring pattern with default parameters described in that answer to ES6 Object Destructuring Default Parameters . 我目前正在使用对象解构模式和ES6对象解析默认参数的答案中描述的默认参数

(function test({a = "foo", b = "bar"} = {}) {
  console.log(a + " " + b);

I would like to be able to access the object parameter without assigning it to a variable in the function body and explicitly listing each key. 我希望能够访问object参数,而无需将其分配给函数体中的变量并显式列出每个键。

 (function test({a = "foo", b = "bar"} = {}) { const options = {a, b}; console.log(options); })(); 

I tried naming the object argument, but the function looses the ability to resolve missing keys to their default value. 我尝试命名对象参数,但该函数失去了将缺失键解析为其默认值的能力。

 (function test(options = {a = "foo", b = "bar"} = {}) { console.log(options); })(); 

It seems to be ignoring the default parameters when destructuring into a named argument. 在解构为命名参数时,它似乎忽略了默认参数。

Is this part of the ES6 spec? 这是ES6规范的一部分吗? Is there a way to achieve the desired behavior without additional code in the function body? 有没有办法在函数体中没有附加代码的情况下实现所需的行为?

Edit: I removed a superfluous example that did not add context to the question. 编辑:我删除了一个没有为问题添加上下文的多余示例。

Honestly, I think you're overcomplicating this. 老实说,我认为你过于复杂了。 Default parameters are not compulsory -- in this case your code can be cleaner without it. 默认参数不是强制性的 - 在这种情况下,如果没有它,您的代码可以更清晰。

I would simply take the object options as the parameter and do the destructuring within the body of the function, after assigning default values. 在分配默认值之后,我只需将对象options作为参数并在函数体内进行解构。

 function test(options) { options = Object.assign({a: 'foo', b: 'bar'}, options); let {a, b} = options; console.log(options, a, b); } test(); // foo bar test({a: 'baz'}); // baz bar test({b: 'fuz'}); // foo fuz test({c: 'fiz'}); // foo bar 

With particular regard to your final snippet: 特别关注你的最终片段:

 (function test(options = {a: "foo", b: "bar"}) { console.log(options); })({a: "baz"}); 

The problem is that a default parameter is used when the value passed is undefined . 问题是当传递的值undefined时使用默认参数。 Here, the value passed is {a: "baz"} . 这里传递的值是{a: "baz"} That is not undefined , so the default parameter is ignored. 这不是undefined ,因此忽略默认参数。 Objects are not merged automatically. 对象不会自动合并。

More broadly in answer to your question: there is no way of getting both an object and destructuring some of its properties in the parameters of a method. 更广泛地回答您的问题:无法同时获取对象并在方法的参数中解构其某些属性。 Frankly, I'm grateful, because function signatures can be hard enough to read at first glance as it is. 坦率地说,我很感激,因为功能签名很难以乍看之下阅读。

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