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[英]Passing a shell variable into an awk command

I have a loop that processes a bunch of files within a dir. 我有一个循环,可以处理目录中的一堆文件。 I would like to input the filename into the file it processes, but I'm getting an error. 我想将文件名输入到要处理的文件中,但是出现错误。 It works perfectly with the myvar syntax but I need that for obvious reasons. 它与myvar语法完美配合,但是出于明显的原因,我需要它。

Error 错误

awk: cmd. line:1: RS=
awk: cmd. line:1:    ^ unexpected newline or end of string

Command 命令

for filename in $files
    awk -v "myvar=${filename}" 
      RS= '/-- Ticket/{++i; print "PROMPT myvar Line ", 
      i ORS $0 ORS; i+=split($0, a, /\n/)+1}' ${filename}.txt

Couple of issues here, use the -v syntax for each of the variables that you are trying to pass to awk , 这里有几个问题,对于要传递给awk每个变量,都使用-v语法,

awk -v myvar="${filename}" -v RS= '/-- Ticket/{++i; print "PROMPT " myvar " Line ", i ORS $0 ORS; i+=split($0, a, /\n/)+1}' ${filename}.txt
#  ^^^ variable1           ^^^^^ variable2 --> using separate -v for each

should be right approach. 应该是正确的方法。

For a shell variable import to awk do it as in my example above, not as "myvar=${filename}" but just myvar="${filename}" 对于要导入到awk的shell变量,请按照上面的示例进行操作,而不是"myvar=${filename}"而只需myvar="${filename}"

If you could avoid a batch loop, it's better (performance mainly for subshell fork, ...) 如果可以避免批处理循环,那就更好了(性能主要用于subshel​​l fork,...)

# assume TXT_files is the list of $files with .txt extension (not purpose of this OP)
awk RS='' '
   /-- Ticket/{
     # get the file name without extension
     myvar = FILENAME;sub( /\.txt$/,"",myvar)

     print "PROMPT " myvar " Line " ++i ORS $0 ORS

     i += split( $0, a, /\n/) + 1
   ' ${TXT_files}

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