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如何在Spring Boot中配置Redis缓存?

[英]How to configure Redis caching in Spring Boot?

How can I configure Redis caching with Spring Boot. 如何使用Spring Boot配置Redis缓存 From what I have heard, it's just some changes in the application.properties file, but don't know exactly what. 据我所知,这只是application.properties文件中的一些更改,但不知道到底是什么。

To use Redis caching in your Spring boot application all you need to do is set these in your application.properties file 要在Spring引导应用程序中使用Redis缓存,只需在application.properties文件中进行设置即可。

spring.redis.host=localhost //add host name here

Add this dependency in your pom.xml 在您的pom.xml添加此依赖项


Additionally, you have to use the @EnableCaching on your main application class and use the @Cacheable annotation on the methods to use the Cache. 此外,您必须使用@EnableCaching在您的主要应用类别及使用@Cacheable注释的方法来使用Cache。 That is all is needed to use redis in a Spring boot application. 这是在Spring Boot应用程序中使用redis所需要的。 You can use it in any class by autowiring the CacheManager in this case RedisCacheManager. 您可以在任何类中通过自动装配CacheManager来使用它,在这种情况下为RedisCacheManager。

RedisCacheManager redisCacheManager;

You can mention all the required properties that is hostname, port etc. in the application.properties file and then read from it. 您可以在application.properties文件中提及所有必需的属性,例如主机名,端口等,然后从中读取。

public class SpringSessionRedisConfiguration {

private String redisHostName;

private int redisPort;

public static PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer    propertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer() {
    return new PropertySourcesPlaceholderConfigurer();

JedisConnectionFactory jedisConnectionFactory() {
    JedisConnectionFactory factory = new JedisConnectionFactory();
    return factory;

RedisTemplate<Object, Object> redisTemplate() {
    RedisTemplate<Object, Object> redisTemplate = new RedisTemplate<Object, Object>();
    return redisTemplate;

RedisCacheManager cacheManager() {
    RedisCacheManager redisCacheManager = new RedisCacheManager(redisTemplate());
    return redisCacheManager;

} }

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