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Rails i18n - 如何翻译模型的枚举

[英]Rails i18n - How to translate enum of a model

I've got the following model: 我有以下型号:

class Person < ActiveRecord::Base
  enum gender: [:female, :male]

Then I added the selection of the gender to its form, like this: 然后我将性别选择添加到其表单中,如下所示:

<%= form_for ([@person]) do |f| %>
  <div class="form-group">
    <%= f.collection_radio_buttons :gender, Person.genders, :first, :first %>
<% end %>

But instead of displaying the constant as a string I want to translate it to Portuguese. 但不是将常量显示为字符串,而是将其翻译为葡萄牙语。

I already tried to add it to the pt.yml file under people but didn't work. 我已经尝试将它添加到人们的pt.yml文件中但是没有用。

     female: Feminino
     male: Mascúlino

I know this question is very similar to How to use i18n with Rails 4 enums but that question is already marked as answered and I'm searching for a better and simpler solution... 我知道这个问题非常类似于如何使用i18n和Rails 4枚举,但这个问题已经标记为已回答,我正在寻找更好,更简单的解决方案......

Thank you for taking your time to help me :) 感谢您抽出宝贵时间帮助我:)

After reading How to use i18n with Rails 4 enums answers more carefully I came to this solution: 阅读如何使用i18n与Rails 4枚举答案更仔细我来到这个解决方案:

  1. According rails guides - "In the event you need to access nested attributes within a given model, you should nest these under model/attribute at the model level of your translation file" - 根据rails指南 - “如果您需要访问给定模型中的嵌套属性,则应将它们嵌套在转换文件的模型级别的model / attribute下” -

the yml file should look like this: yml文件应如下所示:

       female: Feminino
       male: Mascúlino
  1. We need to create a method to return a translated enum since there isn't any method capable of translating an entire enum at once. 我们需要创建一个返回翻译enum的方法,因为没有任何方法可以一次翻译整个enum Rails just has the method to translate a value given a key, ie People.human_attribute_name("gender.female"). Rails只有翻译给定键的值的方法,即People.human_attribute_name(“gender.female”)。

Ok, we'll create a new method but where should we put it? 好的,我们将创建一个新方法,但我们应该把它放在哪里?

I think Helpers are the best place to put it because I'm changing the enum values in order to easily attach them to the form collection , although most of the answers suggested to put it in the Models . 我认为Helpers是放置它的最佳位置,因为我正在更改枚举值以便轻松地将它们附加到form collection ,尽管大多数答案都建议将它放在Models

Now my person_helper.rb looks like this: 现在我的person_helper.rb看起来像这样:

def human_attribute_genders
  Hash[Person.genders.map { |k,v| [k, Person.human_attribute_name("gender.#{k}")] }]

And my view : 我的view

<%= f.collection_radio_buttons :gender, human_attribute_genders, :first, :second %>

Pretty simple and it works just fine! 很简单,它工作得很好!

If anyone has any suggestion to improve my solution I would be happy to hear it from you :) 如果有人有任何改进我的解决方案的建议,我很乐意听到你的意见:)

For example, I could extract the method to application_helper.rb like this: 例如,我可以像这样将方法提取到application_helper.rb

def human_attribute_enum(model_name, enum_attr, attr_name)
  Hash[enum_attr.map { |k,v| [k, I18n.t("activerecord.attributes.#{model_name}/#{attr_name}.#{k}")] }]

But it'd require passing a lot of parameters in the view ... 但它需要在view传递很多参数......

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