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[英]How to stub download from remote url in Carrierwave

I have a User AR model and when I save a User instance with a populated value of remote_avatar_url , Carrierwave automatically downloads the avatar. 我有一个User AR模型,当我用一个填充值为remote_avatar_urlUser实例保存时,Carrierwave会自动下载头像。 More info about this feature here . 这里有关于此功能的更多信息。

Now, in my tests, I want to stub this behavior. 现在,在我的测试中,我想要存根这种行为。 I know I can do: 我知道我能做到:

allow_any_instance_of(UserAvatarUploader).to receive(:download!)

however, the rspec-mocks documentation discourages the use of allow/expect_any_instance_of . 但是, rspec-mocks文档不鼓励使用allow/expect_any_instance_of

What is the proper way of stubbing this specific feature of Carrierwave in tests? 在测试中将Carrierwave的这一特定功能存在的正确方法是什么?

PS I have already disabled image processing in tests: PS我已经在测试中禁用了图像处理:

config.enable_processing = false if Rails.env.test?

For me, the answer is to use the webmock gem. 对我来说,答案是使用webmock gem。 It blocks outbound HTTP connections during testing and allows you to easily stub responses. 它在测试期间阻止出站HTTP连接,并允许您轻松存根响应。

After setting up the gem per the instructions, I added this to my tests: 根据说明设置gem后,我将其添加到我的测试中:

body_file = File.open(File.expand_path('./spec/fixtures/attachments/sample.jpg'))
stub_request(:get, 'www.thedomainofmyimage.example.net').
  to_return(body: body_file, status: 200)

Worked like a charm with CarrierWave's remote_<uploader>_url feature. 像CarrierWave的remote_<uploader>_url功能一样工作。

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