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[英]How to convert a hexadecimal string of data to an ArrayBuffer in JavaScript

How do I convert the string 'AA5504B10000B5' to an ArrayBuffer ?如何将字符串'AA5504B10000B5'转换为ArrayBuffer

You could use regular expressions together with Array#map and parseInt(string, radix) : 您可以将正则表达式与Array#mapparseInt(string, radix)

 var hex = 'AA5504B10000B5' var typedArray = new Uint8Array(hex.match(/[\\da-f]{2}/gi).map(function (h) { return parseInt(h, 16) })) console.log(typedArray) console.log([0xAA, 0x55, 0x04, 0xB1, 0x00, 0x00, 0xB5]) var buffer = typedArray.buffer 

Compact one-liner version:紧凑的单线版本:

new Uint8Array('AA5504B10000B5'.match(/../g).map(h=>parseInt(h,16))).buffer

The accepted answer throws an exception when the hex string is empty.当十六进制字符串为空时,接受的答案会引发异常。 Here is a safer solution:这是一个更安全的解决方案:

function hex_decode(string) {
    let bytes = [];
    string.replace(/../g, function (pair) {
        bytes.push(parseInt(pair, 16));
    return new Uint8Array(bytes).buffer;

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