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[英]Best Solution For the Train Composition

Recently I answered My Online Interview test Wherein I was asked Following question最近我回答了我的在线面试测试,其中被问到以下问题

A TrainComposition is built by attaching and detaching wagons from the left and the right sides. TrainComposition 是通过从左侧和右侧连接和拆卸货车来构建的。

For example, if we start by attaching wagon 7 from the left followed by attaching wagon 13, again from the left, we get a composition of two wagons (13 and 7 from left to right).例如,如果我们首先从左侧连接货车 7,然后再从左侧连接货车 13,我们将得到两个货车的组合(从左到右分别为 13 和 7)。 Now the first wagon that can be detached from the right is 7 and the first that can be detached from the left is 13. Implement a TrainComposition that models this problem.现在第一个可以从右侧分离的货车是 7 辆,第一个可以从左侧分离的货车是 13 辆。实现一个模拟这个问题的 TrainComposition。

I used doubly linked list to solve the issue我用双向链表来解决这个问题

class Node

    protected int data;
    protected Node next, prev;
    /* Constructor */
    public Node()
        next = null;
        prev = null;
        data = 0;

    /* Constructor */

    public Node(int d, Node n, Node p)
        data = d;
        next = n;
        prev = p;

    /* Function to set link to next node */
    public void setLinkNext(Node n) {
        next = n;
    /* Function to set link to previous node */
    public void setLinkPrev(Node p) {
        prev = p;

    /* Funtion to get link to next node */

    public Node getLinkNext() {
        return next;

    /* Function to get link to previous node */

    public Node getLinkPrev() {
        return prev;

    /* Function to set data to node */
    public void setData(int d) {
        data = d;

    /* Function to get data from node */

    public int getData() {
        return data;

public class SortedSearch {
    protected Node start;
    protected Node end;
    public int size;
    /* Constructor */
    public SortedSearch()
        start = null;
        end = null;
        size = 0;
    public boolean isEmpty()
        return start == null;

    public int getSize()
        return size;

    public void attachWagonFromLeft(int wagonId) {
        Node nptr = new Node(wagonId, null, null);
        if (start == null)
            start = nptr;
            end = start;
            start = nptr;
    public void attachWagonFromRight(int wagonId) {
        Node nptr = new Node(wagonId, null, null);
        if (start == null)
            start = nptr;
            end = start;
            end = nptr;
    public int detachWagonFromLeft() {
        int value=0;
        if (size == 1)
            value = start.getData();
            start = null;
            end = null;
            size = 0;
            return value;

        value = start.getData();
        start = start.getLinkNext();
        return value;

    public int detachWagonFromRight() {
        int value=0;
            value = end.getData();
            end = end.getLinkPrev();
            size-- ;
            return value;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        SortedSearch tree = new SortedSearch();
        System.out.println(tree.detachWagonFromRight()); // 7
        System.out.println(tree.detachWagonFromRight()); // 13
        System.out.println(tree.detachWagonFromRight()); // 7
        System.out.println(tree.detachWagonFromRight()); // 13
        System.out.println(tree.detachWagonFromRight()); // 7
        System.out.println(tree.detachWagonFromRight()); // 13


And tested it accordingly.并相应地对其进行了测试。 But when submitted it said failed internal test cases, and the answer was marked wrong.但是提交时说内部测试用例失败,答案被标记为错误。 Can you please tell which is the best solution for this problem.你能告诉我哪个是这个问题的最佳解决方案吗?

Why not just use this simple implementation?为什么不直接使用这个简单的实现呢?

private static class TrainComposition {

  private final Deque<Integer> wagons = new LinkedList<>();

  public void attachLeft(int wagonNumber) {

  public void attachRight(int wagonNumber) {

  public void detachLeft() {
    if (!wagons.isEmpty()) {
      wagons.removeFirst(); // Alternative if exception should not be bubbled up: wagons.pollFirst()
    } else {
      throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("No wagons available");

  public void detachRight() {
    if (!wagons.isEmpty()) {
      wagons.removeLast(); // Alternative if exception should not be bubbled up: wagons.pollLast()
    } else {
      throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("No wagons available");

It seems that the detachWagonFromRight lacks the check that detachWagonFromLeft has:似乎detachWagonFromRight缺少detachWagonFromLeft具有的检查:

public int detachWagonFromLeft() {
    int value=0;
    if (size == 1)
        value = start.getData();
        start = null;
        end = null;
        size = 0;
        return value;

    value = start.getData();
    start = start.getLinkNext();
    return value;

public int detachWagonFromRight() {
    int value=0;
        value = end.getData();
        end = end.getLinkPrev();
        size-- ;
        return value;

So the case when you are removing the last wagon from the right side, start still points to it因此,当您从右侧卸下最后一辆货车时, start仍然指向它

Looks a bit "long", your solution.看起来有点“长”,你的解决方案。 I would define an object, called "train" which has a object.value=number_of_wagons (a list).我会定义一个名为“train”的对象,它有一个 object.value=number_of_wagons(一个列表)。 Then define 2 methods:然后定义2个方法:

  • train.attach(site,number): using the append command or the insert command for attaching the new number from the desired side train.attach(site,number):使用 append 命令或 insert 命令从所需的一侧附加新号码
  • train.detach(site): deleting the element of the list and maybe printing you the number. train.detach(site):删除列表中的元素,并可能打印出数字。

However, for my understanding (also the description of the problem is not very detailed, so i dont know what should be the expected answer) you can only attach wagons from one side as the engine is on the other) ;)但是,据我所知(问题的描述也不是很详细,所以我不知道预期的答案应该是什么)您只能从一侧连接货车,因为发动机在另一侧);)

I hope you are doing well, because I made the problem, and my solution for C# would be the following:我希望你做得很好,因为我提出了这个问题,我对 C# 的解决方案如下:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

public class TrainComposition
    public List <int> wagon = new List <int> ();

    public void AttachWagonFromLeft(int wagonId)
        //throw new NotImplementedException("Waiting to be implemented.");

    public void AttachWagonFromRight(int wagonId)
        wagon.Insert(0, wagonId);
        //throw new NotImplementedException("Waiting to be implemented.");

    public int DetachWagonFromLeft()
        int elem = 0;
        int indexValue = 0;

        elem = wagon[wagon.Count - 1]; // Get the value of the last element

        indexValue = wagon.LastIndexOf(elem); //Get the index the last value

        wagon.RemoveAt(indexValue);// This will remove the part at index 

        return elem;
        //throw new NotImplementedException("Waiting to be implemented.");

    public int DetachWagonFromRight()
        int elem = 0;

        elem = wagon[0];


        return elem;
        //throw new NotImplementedException("Waiting to be implemented.");

    public static void Main(string[] args)
        TrainComposition tree = new TrainComposition();
        Console.WriteLine(tree.DetachWagonFromRight()); // 7 
        Console.WriteLine(tree.DetachWagonFromLeft()); // 13
import java.util.*;
public class TrainComposition {
    LinkedList<Integer> wagons = new LinkedList<Integer>();
  public static void main(String[] args) {

    TrainComposition tree = new TrainComposition();
    System.out.println(tree.detachWagonFromRight()); // 7
    System.out.println(tree.detachWagonFromLeft()); // 13

public void attachWagonFromLeft(int wagonId) {
   // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Waiting to be implemented.");

public void attachWagonFromRight(int wagonId) {
   // throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Waiting to be implemented.");

public int detachWagonFromLeft() {
    if (!wagons.isEmpty()) {
  return wagons.removeFirst();

   } else {
  throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("No wagons available");
 public int detachWagonFromRight() {
    if (!wagons.isEmpty()) {
  return wagons.removeLast();

   } else {
  throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException("No wagons available");


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