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[英]Firebase rewrites in single page VueJS app in subfolder

Background 背景

I have a site that is structured like this: 我有一个结构如下的网站:

  — /public
    — index.html <— landing page
    — 404.html
    — /library 
      — index.html <— single page VueJS app

The single page app is found here: https://uxtools-3ac6e.firebaseapp.com/library/ 单页应用程序可在此处找到: https//uxtools-3ac6e.firebaseapp.com/library/

Here's my firebase.json: 这是我的firebase.json:

  "database": {
    "rules": "database.rules.json"
  "hosting": {
    "public": "public",
    "rewrites": [
        "source": "/library/*",
        "destination": "/library/index.html"

The Problem 问题

When the app begins to route to sub paths, like https://uxtools-3ac6e.firebaseapp.com/library/lists/order-group-best-sources-learn-ux , a refresh will redirect to 404 instead of library/index.html. 当应用程序开始路由到子路径时,例如https://uxtools-3ac6e.firebaseapp.com/library/lists/order-group-best-sources-learn-ux ,刷新将重定向到404而不是库/索引html的。

You need to use a double-star glob to match: 你需要使用双星形的glob来匹配:

"source": "/library/**"

The single-star will only match up to a slash, so it would match /library/lists but not /library/lists/foo . 单星将只匹配斜杠,因此匹配/library/lists而不匹配/library/lists/foo

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