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[英]Gulp: how set different base href on production

i'm a newbie on Gulp (and maybe my question is stupid). 我是Gulp的新手(也许我的问题很愚蠢)。

On development i work with a gulp serve on localhost and root folder, eg: 在开发中,我使用localhost和root文件夹上的gulp serve ,例如:

http://localhost:3000/ HTTP://本地主机:3000 /

but on production i want move my app on a folder, eg.: 但在生产中,我想在一个文件夹上移动我的应用程序,例如:

http://localhost:3000/my-app/ HTTP://本地主机:3000 /我的应用程序内/

the problem is change in the index.html, the dev "base href" from: 问题是index.html中的变化, dev “base href”来自:

<base href="/">

to the prod : 对于prod

<base href="/my-app/">

can i change my base href with a conditional html comment? 我可以用条件html注释更改我的基本href吗? eg.: 例如。:

<!-- build:dev -->
<base href="/">
<!-- endbuild -->
<!-- build:prod -->
<base href="/my-app/">
<!-- endbuild -->

Any other tips is very appreciated! 非常感谢任何其他提示!

I have found this tip: 我找到了这个提示:

return gulp.src(path.join(conf.paths.tmp, '/serve/*.html'))
        .pipe(replace('<base href="/">', '<base href="/my-app/">'))

I had the same problem myself. 我自己也有同样的问题。 I wrote this task: 我写了这个任务:

import gulp        from 'gulp';
import replace     from 'gulp-replace';

gulp.task('inject-base-href', function() {
   return gulp.src('path/to/your/html/file')
              .pipe(replace('<base href="/">', function(match) {
                  console.log('Replace called on', match);
                  return'<base href="/your-correct-href-path/">'


npm install --save-dev gulp-replace

and queued the task in production tasks. 并将任务排入生产任务中。

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