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[英]Recursively query LDAP roles from multiple OUs for a User

I am running a Web Application on a WildFly 9.0.2 Server with a Custom Login Realm (which needs to recursively query multiple Organizational Units A for Organizational Units B that are queried from Organizational Units C for a user) that is configured in the standalone.xml like so: 我在WildFly 9.0.2服务器上运行Web应用程序,该服务器具有自定义登录领域(需要以递归方式查询为组织单位B查询的组织单位B的多个组织单位A,该组织单位为独立配置)。像这样的xml:

<security-realm name="LoginRealm">
       <ldap connection="EC2" base-dn="ou=users,dc=test,dc=de">
           <username-filter attribute="uid"/>
<security-domain name="other" cache-type="default">
        <login-module code="de.test.LoginModule" flag="required">
            <module-option name="principalDNPrefix" value="uid="/>
            <module-option name="principalDNSuffix" value=",ou=users,dc=test,dc=de"/>
            <module-option name="rolesCtxDN" value="ou=groups,dc=test,dc=de"/>
            <module-option name="roleAttributeID" value="cn"/>
            <module-option name="roleAttributeIsDN" value="false"/>

The user logs in on the website by providing his username (eg testA), password (eg whatever) and selecting a UserGroup from a dropdown menu (eg UserGroupA). 用户通过提供他的用户名(例如testA),密码(例如,无论如何)并从下拉菜单(例如UserGroupA)中选择UserGroup来登录网站。 Then the custom login module (de.test.LoginModule.class) which extends the LdapLoginModule performs a lookup of the roles by building the principal string by taking the prefix from the standalone xml and adding the suffix after that 然后,扩展LdapLoginModule的自定义登录模块(de.test.LoginModule.class)通过从独立xml获取前缀并在此之后添加后缀来构建主体字符串来执行角色查找。
eg prefix: uid= 例如前缀: uid=
Build by LoginModule: testA,ou=UserGroupA 通过LoginModule构建: testA,ou=UserGroupA
Suffix: ,ou=users,dc=test,dc=de 后缀: ,ou=users,dc=test,dc=de
Resulting in: uid=testA,ou=UserGroupA,ou=users,dc=test,dc=de which right now works perfectly. 导致: uid=testA,ou=UserGroupA,ou=users,dc=test,dc=de现在可以正常工作。 The roles from ou=groups,dc=test,dc=de are retrieved and the security constraints defined in the web.xml with the according roles are executed. 检索来自ou=groups,dc=test,dc=de的角色,并执行web.xml中定义的具有相应角色的安全约束。

        <description>Only Project Processors may see this</description>
        <role-name>Project Processor</role-name>

Now the Organizational Unit "ProjectControlCenter" was added to the LDAP tree structure, which looks like so: 现在,组织单元“ProjectControlCenter”已添加到LDAP树结构中,如下所示:

|-- ou=applications
|    |-- ou=ProjectControlCenter
|    |    |-- ou=permissions
|    |    |    |-- cn=group.Project Processor.manage
|    |    |    |-- cn=group.Project Processor.read
|    |    |    |-- cn=group.Project Monitorer.read
|    |    |    |-- ...
|    |    |-- ou=resources
|    |    |    |-- cn=ProjectControlCenter.Applicaton
|    |    |    |-- cn=ProjectControlCenter.List
|    |    |    |-- cn=ProjectControlCenter.System
|    |    |    |-- ...
|-- ou=groups
|    |    |-- cn=Project Processor
|    |    |-- cn=Project Monitorer
|    |    |-- ...
|    |-- ou=users
|    |    |-- ou=UserGroupA
|    |    |    |-- uid=testA
|    |    |    |-- uid=testB
|    |    |    |-- uid=testC
|    |    |-- ou=UserGroupB
|    |    |-- ...

Now I need to query not only the roles as the ou=groups,dc=test,dc=de but also all the ou=permissions,ou=ProjectControlCenter,ou=applications,dc=test,dc=de where the assigned roles are a unique member of and add that to the user. 现在我不仅需要查询角色为ou=groups,dc=test,dc=de ,还要查询所有ou=permissions,ou=ProjectControlCenter,ou=applications,dc=test,dc=de其中指定的角色是一个独特的成员,并将其添加到用户。 Furthermore another query would be needed to get all the ou=resources,ou=ProjectControlCenter,ou=applications,dc=test,dc=de where the ou=permissions,ou=ProjectControlCenter,ou=applications,dc=test,dc=de are a unique member of, adding it to the user as well. 此外,还需要另一个查询来获取所有ou=resources,ou=ProjectControlCenter,ou=applications,dc=test,dc=de其中ou=permissions,ou=ProjectControlCenter,ou=applications,dc=test,dc=de是一个独特的成员,也将其添加到用户。

So the question is: Is there any way to recursively query all groups for a certain user, permissions for those groups and resources for those permissions through LDAP configurations, or do I need to overload the createLdapInitContext(String username, Object credential) method of the LdapLoginModule.class to achieve the needed queries? 所以问题是:有没有办法递归查询某个用户的所有组,这些组的权限以及通过LDAP配置获得这些权限的资源,或者我是否需要重载createLdapInitContext(String username, Object credential)方法LdapLoginModule.class实现所需的查询?

Its possible but to certain extent only. 它可能但在某种程度上只是。 Your use case seems to be quite complicated and I personally would avoid that kind of design. 你的用例似乎很复杂,我个人会避免这种设计。 Not sure if you checked already but your questions seems related to one here . 不确定您是否已经检查过,但您的问题似乎与此处的问题相关。

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