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通过AIF Web服务导入BOM表时如何从号码序列中获取连续号码-AX 2012

[英]How to get continous number from number squence when import BOM via AIF web service - AX 2012

I would like to import BOM over the standard BOM AIF Web Service in AX 2012. 我想通过AX 2012中的标准BOM AIF Web服务导入BOM。

In my XML-File I don't define any BOMId, because the system should take the next possible BOMId from the existing number sequence. 在我的XML文件中,我没有定义任何BOMId,因为系统应该从现有数字序列中获取下一个可能的BOMId。


When I start the import of my XML-File I get the following error message. 当我开始导入XML文件时,出现以下错误消息。


This is the setting of my number sequence. 这是我的数字顺序的设置。


What do I have to do to automatically get the next available number from the number sequence (Continous), when importing BOMs via the standard AX AIF Web Service? 通过标准AX AIF Web服务导入BOM时,我该怎么做才能自动从号码序列中获取下一个可用号码(连续)?

I followed the cross references of the exception message (label id @SYS96663, btw) to method checkNumber of class AxInternalBase , which calls method numAllowEdit of table NumberSequenceTable . 我跟着异常信息的交叉引用(标签ID @ SYS96663,顺便说一句),以方法checkNumberAxInternalBase ,它调用方法numAllowEditNumberSequenceTable From the logic of that method it seems that one of the checkboxes "Manual", "To a lower number" or "To a higher number" needs to be set for this to work. 从该方法的逻辑来看,似乎需要设置复选框“手动”,“至较低的数字”或“至较高的数字”才能起作用。 Not sure why, though or which of the checkboxes is the right one or makes the most sense. 不知道为什么,不过或哪个复选框最合适或最有意义。 My gut tells me to go with "To a higher number", but ymmv . 我的直觉告诉我选择“ To a number number”,但是ymmv

Also take a look at the related question Dynamics AX 2012 R3 - Record Creation through AIF web service and method setBOMId of class AxBOMTable . 还要看看相关的问题Dynamics AX 2012 setBOMId 通过AIF Web服务创建记录以及类AxBOMTable方法。

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