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[英]Unable to access function definition defined in a .ts file from another .ts file

I would appreciate your 2 cents to resolve the issue of calling a function defined in another file. 我很感激您的2美分来解决调用另一个文件中定义的函数的问题。 I read the docs for Typescript which suggested to either setup an interface or a module and then reference it but I received the same error as below. 我阅读了Typescript的文档,建议设置一个接口或模块,然后引用它但我收到的错误与下面相同。

Error 错误

ReferenceError: viewReport is not defined

File Structure 文件结构

  - sample.component.ts
  - sample.component.html
  - sample.component.css

sample.component.ts sample.component.ts

import './pdf/viewReport';

declare var pdfMake: any;
declare var viewReport: any;

export class SampleComponent {

    addr = {
        "streetaddress": '',
        "cityName": '',
        "stateCode": '',
        "zipCode": ''

    constructor() {}

    data = {
        header: {
            "address": {
                "street": this.addr.streetAddress,
                "city": this.addr.cityName,
                "state": this.addr.stateCode,
                "zip": this.addr.zipCode 


        let pdf = pdfMake;

viewReport.ts viewReport.ts

function viewReport( data ) {
    let docDefinition = {
      content: [{
        text: 'Address: ' + data.header.address.street
    console.log( 'data:: ', data );
    return docDefinition;

I was able to resolve the issue by making the following changes to the code: 我能够通过对代码进行以下更改来解决此问题:

viewReport.ts viewReport.ts

add keyword ' default ' when exporting 导出时添加关键字' default '

export default function viewReport( data ) {

sample.component.ts sample.component.ts

replace 更换

import './pdf/viewReport';
declare var viewReport: any;


import viewReport from './pdf/viewReport';

References 参考


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