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[英]multiple “has many through” with eloquent of laravel

I came accros a problem with laravel's ORM, eloquent and found no solution yet. 我雄辩地说,laravel的ORM出了问题,但没有找到解决方案。

I have some tables as follows 我有一些表格如下

Team 球队

 - id
 - name

User 用户

 - id
 - name
 - role
 - team_id

Student_Info 学生信息

 - id
 - user_id
 - data1
 - data2
 - etc ...

Project 项目

 - id
 - student_id
 - name

Now, I want to query all projects a certain team , where team = 'some team' 现在,我要查询某个team所有项目,其中team = 'some team'

Now the thing here is, without an ORM, it's simple, I would have done multiple joins in raw SQL. 现在,这里的事情是,没有ORM,这很简单,我将在原始SQL中进行多个联接。

However, because all these tables have a common column "name" I will have to alias all this stuff, which is really boring 但是,由于所有这些表都有一个公共列“名称”,因此我必须为所有这些东西加上别名,这确实很无聊

With eloquent I can't find a way to do this query using "has many through" because it only allows on intermediate and I can't do a raw SQL as the alis thing is really a pain in the ass and as it would be very difficult to map the result to laravel's Models 雄辩地说,我找不到使用“有很多通过”的方式进行此查询的方法,因为它只允许使用中级语言,而我无法执行原始SQL,因为alis的事情确实很麻烦,因为它将结果映射到laravel的模型非常困难

Try with relationship existence. 尝试建立关系。 This assumes you have all relationships properly defined 假设您已经正确定义了所有关系

$projects = Project::whereHas('students.user.team', function ($query) {
    $query->where('name', '=', 'some team');

That's 3 levels of nesting. 这是3个层次的嵌套。 Never tested. 从未测试。 However, if you already define a Project-User relationship via hasManyThrough() you can shorten it to 2 levels only. 但是,如果您已经通过hasManyThrough()定义了项目-用户关系, hasManyThrough()只能将其缩短到2级。

$projects = Project::whereHas('user.team', function ($query) {
    $query->where('name', '=', 'some team');

Those will give you the data for projects only. 这些将仅为您提供项目数据。 If you also want the the intermediate data, use eager loading instead with with() . 如果您还需要中间数据,请使用即时加载代替with() Just replace whereHas() by with() . 只需用whereHas()替换whereHas() with()

$projects = Project::with('user.team', function ($query) {
    $query->where('name', '=', 'some team');

There is no native relationship for this case. 在这种情况下没有本机关系。

I created a HasManyThrough relationship with unlimited levels: Repository on GitHub 我创建了一个具有无限级别的HasManyThrough关系: GitHub上的存储库

After the installation, you can use it like this: 安装后,您可以像这样使用它:

class Team extends Model {
    use \Staudenmeir\EloquentHasManyDeep\HasRelationships;

    public function projects() {
        return $this->hasManyDeep(Project::class, [User::class, StudentInfo::class],
            [null, null, 'student_id']);

$projects = Team::where('name', 'some team')->first()->projects;

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