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[英]Output Sound To Audio Device

I'm trying to create a script that will trigger a sound effect when a hotkey is pressed, this might not seem too difficult, but I also want to be able to output it to a specific audio device, a virtual audio cable in my case.我正在尝试创建一个脚本,当按下热键时会触发声音效果,这似乎不太困难,但我也希望能够将其输出到特定的音频设备,在我的情况下是虚拟音频电缆.

I've looked around on the internet a bit and I saw many possible solutions, but none have worked out for me (yet).我在互联网上环顾了一下,看到了许多可能的解决方案,但没有一个对我有用(还没有)。 It appears that the normal SoundPlay function in AHK can not output to a specific audio device, but I'm also looking into other options, like playing the sound via a batch script with wmplayer or other media players, but I can't find a solutions that will let me output the sound to a specific audio devices...似乎 AHK 中的正常 SoundPlay 功能无法输出到特定的音频设备,但我也在研究其他选项,例如使用 wmplayer 或其他媒体播放器通过批处理脚本播放声音,但我找不到可以让我将声音输出到特定音频设备的解决方案......

So my question is, what's the best way to play sound to a specific non-default audio device (a virtual audio cable) which can be done inside a command prompt or inside autohotkey?所以我的问题是,向特定的非默认音频设备(虚拟音频电缆)播放声音的最佳方式是什么,可以在命令提示符或自动热键中完成?

So I managed to do what I was trying to accomplish.所以我设法完成了我想要完成的任务。 I'll tell you how I did it:我会告诉你我是怎么做到的:

After some searching around on the internet I came across a C# library called IrrKlang .在互联网上搜索之后,我发现了一个名为IrrKlang的 C# 库。 Using IrrKlang I made a little console app program which I can call by playsound soundfile.mp3 0 , playsound is the the name of the .exe, the first parameter is the path to the soundfile from the location of the playsound.exe, and the last parameter is a number which is used to choose the audio device, which number this should be is still guess work but after some trial and error you can find the number of your virtual audio cable or other audio device.使用 IrrKlang 我制作了一个小控制台应用程序,我可以通过playsound soundfile.mp3 0调用它,playsound 是 .exe 的名称,第一个参数是从 playsound.exe 位置到声音文件的路径,以及最后一个参数是用于选择音频设备的数字,这应该是猜测的数字,但经过一些试验和错误后,您可以找到虚拟音频电缆或其他音频设备的编号。

For the people who come here in the future I've put my code up on github .对于以后来这里的人,我已经把我的代码放在了github 上

Everything you need is here:你需要的一切都在这里:

Lexikos's Vista Audio Control Functions Lexikos 的 Vista 音频控制功能

Note: SoundSet and SoundGet on AutoHotkey v1.1.10 and later support Vista and later natively.注意:AutoHotkey v1.1.10 及更高版本上的 SoundSet 和 SoundGet 原生支持 Vista 及更高版本。 You don't need VA.ahk unless you want to use advanced functions not supported by SoundSet/SoundGet.除非您想使用 SoundSet/SoundGet 不支持的高级功能,否则您不需要 VA.ahk。

https://autohotkey.com/board/topic/21984-vista-audio-control-functions/ https://autohotkey.com/board/topic/21984-vista-audio-control-functions/

To change the default output device, you can script the Sound properties in cpanel:要更改默认输出设备,您可以在 cpanel 中编写 Sound 属性的脚本:

Run, mmsys.cpl
WinWait, Sound
    ControlSend, SysListView321,{Down num}  ' num matches device position
    Sleep, 100
    ControlClick, &Set Default
    Sleep, 100
    ControlClick, OK
WinWaitClose, Sound


I modified one code i found, and add volume up and down.我修改了我找到的一个代码,并上下增加了音量。 You have to chance device1 and device2 names您必须使用 device1 和 device2 名称

  • Alt + Wheel Up = Volume Up Alt + 滚轮调高 = 音量调高
  • Alt + Wheel Down = Volume Down Alt + 向下滚轮 = 降低音量
  • Ctrl + F12 = Chance Device Ctrl + F12 = 机会装置


device1:="Speakers / Headphones"
device2:="Communications Headphones"
; http://www.daveamenta.com/2011-05/programmatically-or-command-line-change-the-default-sound-playback-device-in-windows-7/
Devices := {}
IMMDeviceEnumerator := ComObjCreate("{BCDE0395-E52F-467C-8E3D-C4579291692E}", "{A95664D2-9614-4F35-A746-DE8DB63617E6}")

; IMMDeviceEnumerator::EnumAudioEndpoints
; eRender = 0, eCapture, eAll
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IMMDeviceEnumerator+0)+3*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IMMDeviceEnumerator, "UInt", 0, "UInt", 0x1, "UPtrP", IMMDeviceCollection, "UInt")

; IMMDeviceCollection::GetCount
DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IMMDeviceCollection+0)+3*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IMMDeviceCollection, "UIntP", Count, "UInt")
Loop % (Count)
    ; IMMDeviceCollection::Item
    DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IMMDeviceCollection+0)+4*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IMMDeviceCollection, "UInt", A_Index-1, "UPtrP", IMMDevice, "UInt")

    ; IMMDevice::GetId
    DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IMMDevice+0)+5*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IMMDevice, "UPtrP", pBuffer, "UInt")
    DeviceID := StrGet(pBuffer, "UTF-16"), DllCall("Ole32.dll\CoTaskMemFree", "UPtr", pBuffer)

    ; IMMDevice::OpenPropertyStore
    ; 0x0 = STGM_READ
    DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IMMDevice+0)+4*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IMMDevice, "UInt", 0x0, "UPtrP", IPropertyStore, "UInt")

    ; IPropertyStore::GetValue
    VarSetCapacity(PROPVARIANT, A_PtrSize == 4 ? 16 : 24)
    VarSetCapacity(PROPERTYKEY, 20)
    DllCall("Ole32.dll\CLSIDFromString", "Str", "{A45C254E-DF1C-4EFD-8020-67D146A850E0}", "UPtr", &PROPERTYKEY)
    NumPut(14, &PROPERTYKEY + 16, "UInt")
    DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IPropertyStore+0)+5*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IPropertyStore, "UPtr", &PROPERTYKEY, "UPtr", &PROPVARIANT, "UInt")
    DeviceName := StrGet(NumGet(&PROPVARIANT + 8), "UTF-16")    ; LPWSTR PROPVARIANT.pwszVal
    DllCall("Ole32.dll\CoTaskMemFree", "UPtr", NumGet(&PROPVARIANT + 8))    ; LPWSTR PROPVARIANT.pwszVal

    ObjRawSet(Devices, DeviceName, DeviceID)

$!WheelUp::Send {Volume_Up 5}
$!WheelDown::Send {Volume_Down 5}
    if currentDevice
        SetDefaultEndpoint( GetDeviceID(Devices, device1) )
        SetDefaultEndpoint( GetDeviceID(Devices, device2) )

    IPolicyConfig := ComObjCreate("{870af99c-171d-4f9e-af0d-e63df40c2bc9}", "{F8679F50-850A-41CF-9C72-430F290290C8}")
    DllCall(NumGet(NumGet(IPolicyConfig+0)+13*A_PtrSize), "UPtr", IPolicyConfig, "UPtr", &DeviceID, "UInt", 0, "UInt")

GetDeviceID(Devices, Name)
    For DeviceName, DeviceID in Devices
        If (InStr(DeviceName, Name))
            Return DeviceID

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